Question on a split database


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 10:42
May 27, 2012
I split a database and put the BE on a server and then distributed the FE to 5 other PC's (PC1 to PC5 . My question is if PC #1 user creates a new query will the other PC users see the query on there navigation pane? Or is each object created on a particular PC only seen on that particular PC.

If the new created query is saved in the individual's frontend file on their computer, then the other four users would not see it.
So is there anyway to "move" any object created on one PC FE to the other PC FE beside physically moving it (Flash drive)
They could export it to a database on a shared drive then others could import it from there.
I've set up the FE database on a server and put shortcuts on peoples machines.

Some people have the sales queries, (FE Sales), some have service visit history (FE Service), some have everything (FE Master).

That way you can (or check) control what users are doing and the reports they're have/need. When you need to make a change you can control all users at once. It is also is more likely to get backed up if it's on the server.
In reality it comes down to who is doing development, or what queries are required. As you have done the BE goes on a server. The FE is commonly a single version that is distributed to user PC. When new queries (or other objects) are needed, they are put in theMaster copy of the FE, and a new FE is distributed.

There are routines available for updating the FE. In many cases the latest FE is in some common location. When a FE starts up, it checks its version to the latest version, if they match --carry on. If they don't match, then copy the new front end to your PC. There are samples of code for this automated approach out there.

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