Question related to a double quotation in Len() function


New member
Local time
Today, 08:39
Jun 1, 2022
I have a question related to this code please : Len(“”, me.searchbox), what does it mean. I understand all the components of the code but I am trying to put all the pieces together to interpret it correctly. It is a part of the following code , if Len (“”, me.searchbox) = 0 then do something. Why we need double quotation in the code, why not just if len(me.txtsearch) = 0 then do something. Thanks in advance for any explanation.
Hi. Welcome to AWF!

Are you sure the code was actually
Len("", Me.Searchbox) = 0
and not
Len("" & Me.Searchbox) = 0
Yes I am, the code is working fine but I needed to understand what it means
Yes I am, the code is working fine but I needed to understand what it means
That makes a refreshing change. :)

I believe it is to account for the item appended to "" being Null. If you tested just the control by itself, you could get 'Invalid use of Null' error

I have seen it used mostly the other way and used it this way myself, but that is just my preference.

IF Len(ControlName & "") = 0 Then
Let's do it from a different perspective. You asked about

If Len("" & Me.searchbox) = 0

You could get generally the same kind of thing with

If NZ( Me.searchbox, "" ) = ""

The "" syntax in VBA is what is called a "zero-length string" (ZLS) or an "empty string." A null can be concatenated (using &) to any string and will have no effect on it. The length of a zero-length string is ... well... zero. So the first example EITHER adds an empty string to the front of Me.searchbox or, if Me.searchbox is NULL, assures that SOMETHING - the ZLS - is there to be measured. Because If Me.searchbox is null then you cannot measure the length of the string because there isn't one.

The second option uses the NZ function to reach a similar result. If Me.searchbox IS null, you get a ZLS. If not, you get whatever was in Me.searchbox.

In both cases, if Me.searchbox is null, the test doesn't fail. And if Me.searchbox is NOT null, again the test doesn't fail - but it gives a slightly different result. In both cases, though, the "TRUE" result would come about if Me.searchbox WAS null.

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