Quick Help Minds Forgot


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 16:48
Jan 16, 2003
Now I have a table Called Actions
This has A field: Clients That Looks Up as below in Table Design view Lookup

SELECT Names.IDNames, Names.Company, Catagory.Type FROM Catagory INNER JOIN [Names] ON Catagory.IDCatagory=Names.Catagory WHERE (((Catagory.Type)="Client")) ORDER BY Names.Company;

Next Field is Called Job
And is meant to lookup up the Job in Table Jobs
Which has the same Client as the Field “Clients” as above
What do I need to add to

SELECT Names.IDNames, Names.Company, Catagory.Type FROM Catagory INNER JOIN [Names] ON Catagory.IDCatagory=Names.Catagory WHERE (((Catagory.Type)="Client")) ORDER BY Names.Company;

So I only see the Jobs relating to the company that are in the previous field which is called

Any Clues

Thanks I have been on excel so long forgot too many database skills

Thanks again

Any Clues
A couple of comments.

1) You should not be using Lookup fields (aka combo boxes) in your tables. For more on that see this link.

2) What you are describing is called "cascading combo boxes", which needs to be done using combo boxes on a form (which is the appropriate place for combo boxes). If you do a search for that term you will get plenty of links regaring how to set it up.

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