Records Split across Pages?


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 19:27
May 10, 2011
MS Access 2010

My current project involves creating examinations from a database of Questions and Answers.

The Questions are in one table and the Answers in another with the Question Number data field forming the One-To-Many relationship.

I have created a query to randomise the Answer order and the examination is grouped by Question number, i.e. the Question forms the Group Header and the optional Answers the detail within each record. Question admin details (Learning Objective codes, score, etc.) form the Group Footer.

So far so good. Everything works tickety boo................

Unfortunately, I cannot seem to keep whole question & answer records on one page, when there isn't enough space for it all to fit on the current page being used. By this I mean, e.g. Questions 1, 2 and 3 are on page 1 in their entirety then Question 4 has the Group Header (question text) on the page along with one or two of the optional Answers then the rest of the detail section (the remaining optional Answers) plus the Group Footer move on to the next page.

The 'Force New Page' option doesn't work in this scenario. If I apply it to the Group Header Section I only get one question per page and if applied to the Detail Section I only get one optional answer per page.

Any ideas o learned ones???

Thanks for the info spikepl, unfortunately, that particular solution didn't work.

However, that prompted me to look for other ways at using the 'Keep Together' command and found that, in the "Group, Sort and Total" Object properties at the bottom of the page in design view, where it identifies the data field on which the section is grouped, by selecting 'More', the option to 'keep whole group together on one page' was available.

Selecting this resolved the problem.

So, many thanks for the heads up.


And next time reading the entire link provided might save you from "looking for other ways", since the link in fact says:

If you want to keep the data in a group together — for example, the group header, detail records, and group footer — set the KeepTogether property for the group in the Sorting and Grouping dialog box.

My point is not to gloat, but to encourage reading.
No worries, please feel free to chastise me, however, in my (albeit pathetically weak :rolleyes:) defence I did read the whole article but misunderstood the referenced section. Now, I understand what it means.

That has always been a problem for me. Every single book I have acquired on programming always goes straight in with terminology (without clear explanations) that the average muppet, i.e. me, doesn't understand. I often find myself having to use trial and error even after researching a problem issue.

Saying that, admittedly, this article was pretty much in clear English - it was just my misunderstanding.

I will now take myself off to the cell for some self flagellation!! :eek:

Thanks again.

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