Remove Security Settings


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 19:32
Sep 26, 2002
I tried using the Security setup wizard but I really ****** things up. Now its not recognising any of the passwords or user names, even admin. I even tried reinstalling office and coping over my back up from disk but it still wouldn't let me in.

Is there anyway of sorting this out? This has worked for me once on another database so I'm not sure where I went wrong. Please help.
The story continues

OK now I can get in as Admin but I have no permissions. How do I just go back to where I started:mad:
I've just done exactly the same thing, Had any luck?

Major Access PW problem

I just did this to myself yesterday. Have you found any solutions? I can't get any Access Database to open - not even new ones ! ! !:mad:
I totaly lost access to every Access program I had. I ran the Sec Wizard on the LAN for the single data base and everything got messed up.
After a lot of searching I found a way....
Search for WRKGADM.EXE and run it. Create a new one and drop it were it suggustes. (not under System were I was told by a co-worker). I replaced the copy there and eveything works fine now !

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