Report footer rides up

John thomas

Registered User.
Local time
Today, 15:26
Sep 4, 2012
Is there a way to stop my report footer riding up to the last detail .i really need to anchor it at the bottom of the last page
No, not that I'm aware of, move what you've in the report footer to the page footer.
You can hide it until the last page is printed, some thing like below:
  If Me.Page = Me.Pages Then 
    Me.TheControl.Visible = True
    Me.TheControl.Visible = False
  End If
create a module and paste this:
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Sub SetGrpFtrLoc(Rpt As Report, GrpFtrLoc As Double)
    GrpFtrLoc = GrpFtrLoc * 1440        'Convert from inches to twips.
    If Rpt.Top < GrpFtrLoc Then         'Not at location yet, so
        Rpt.MoveLayout = True           'move to next print location.
        Rpt.NextRecord = False          'Do not go to next record.
        Rpt.PrintSection = False        'Do not print the section.
    End If                              'Until the required offset is reached
End Sub

now on the Format event of your Report footer:

Private Sub ReportFooter_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
    Call SetGrpFtrLoc(Me.Report, [COLOR=Blue]5.5[/COLOR])     'Display report footer at least
                                        '5.5 inches from the top of the page
End Sub

you should adjust the blue colored text, gradually to attain your goal. (an increment of 0.5 inch)
Dear Arnel - please help! I used the above module and it worked great! But now, on a much longer report, with subreports, I get the blue circle spinning non stop, then the report show "not responding".

Can you assist? I love that module!
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hello maam, can you upload your db. if you are not using the page footer maybe we can work on that part.
upload your db with problematic report (with pertinent table/query), ill see what i can do.
Thank you for the quick response Arnel.

Here is a sample where the following reports work fine: rptLease_AnnexA, rptLease_AppenA, rptNotice_MovingOut.

With the same coding, used and working in all other reports, the rptLease_AppenC does not.

Very confusing to me. Thanks for your help! I really do not want that footer subreport in the page footer. It should reside in the report footer and, theoretically, should work like the others do...

Thank you for your invaluable assistance.


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please see the code on groupfooter format event, it it does not come right adjust (less) the red one as desired.

footerPos = (9.4 * 1440) - Me.Section(acPageFooter).Height


Wow - explanations are detailed - terrific! So, if the report footer is not satisfactory, adjust the number in red to a lesser value... Great.

How do you test with value? You insert that in the query?

Should I keep my other code (module) that works in the other reports? And simply use this method when the report is long and/or not working with the module?

Also, just curious: do you know why my module works with all the other reports and not that one? Like why did you need to change methods for this report?

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yes you test it with your other reports. i think it has to do with subreports on the detail section, you have one subrpt on the ones that are working, while you have 2 on not working. refers to the current print position (on paper).
btw, nice avatar :)
I'm in the middle of this problem too and I expect I will apply the code above to solve the printout side of things. I just wondered if the explanation came with a 'Why?' ? Why does access have something have something that calls itself a 'page footer' which actually doesn't behave as one.
I'm in the middle of this problem too and I expect I will apply the code above to solve the printout side of things. I just wondered if the explanation came with a 'Why?' ? Why does access have something have something that calls itself a 'page footer' which actually doesn't behave as one.
The OPs question was about the report footer not the page footer. The report footer is not designed to appear at the end of the page. It is designed to appear at the end of the report regardless of where on the last page that might be. The "page footer" does appear at the bottom of the page. The problem is that it appears at the bottom of every page so not very helpful for this problem.
Hi Stopher

Ah, OK, my confusion as I've been playing with both this morning trying to get something to appear at the foot of every page, but even the page footer won't play ball preferring to put the text labels that I've put there just under the report details - Just as the OP describes. OK, I could just leave a gap, but if there are lot of details for any particular records they would fill the page and a gap wouldn't be needed. I'm after a footer literally at the bottom of every page - just like you could get in MS Word, yet even the page footer appears anchored to the details section just like the OP's report footer. Hence being attracted to the thread. Can the solution for this poster be adapted to the Page footer please?
Hi Stopher

Ah, OK, my confusion as I've been playing with both this morning trying to get something to appear at the foot of every page, but even the page footer won't play ball preferring to put the text labels that I've put there just under the report details - Just as the OP describes. OK, I could just leave a gap, but if there are lot of details for any particular records they would fill the page and a gap wouldn't be needed. I'm after a footer literally at the bottom of every page - just like you could get in MS Word, yet even the page footer appears anchored to the details section just like the OP's report footer. Hence being attracted to the thread. Can the solution for this poster be adapted to the Page footer please?
The page footer should always appear at the bottom of the page (every page) regardless of what appears above it. Are you able to post your database?
Yes, it can apply to the page footer JOC.
I thought it should behave properly too. I've been and taken a fresh look on a night's sleep and a cup of strong coffee. It behaves itself in Print Preview and consequently must be linked to the printing of a report. It is in 'report view' that it re-positions itself under the details regardless of their length. Perhaps it's meant to behave in that way - it just means as I am designing that if I check things in 'report view' they won't show me exactly how they will look and I'll have to go through 'print preview' which is a bit more long winded to open and close. It also means that anyone viewing the report in 'report view' on screen won't see the exact output and I will have to educate the users.

I'm still getting used to the idiosyncrasies of Access 2010 - I was and avid and expert user of 2007 (I could do almost anything with it), and I am still at the stage where I don't yet see 2010 as a wholesale step forwards. I am currently on my first big build using it, and am still finding the work-arounds in some areas to what I once knew.
It is in 'report view' that it re-positions itself under the details regardless of their length. Perhaps it's meant to behave in that way - it just means as I am designing that if I check things in 'report view' they won't show me exactly how they will look and I'll have to go through 'print preview' which is a bit more long winded to open and close. It also means that anyone viewing the report in 'report view' on screen won't see the exact output and I will have to educate the users.
Report view basically runs without the formatting (I think). The idea being it runs quickly and can be used to sense check the information. Also can be interactive so can add buttons.

To view the output as if it were printed you need to use Print Preview. Assuming your users are opening the report from a form, you can code the button to open the report in preview rather than report mode.
"Assuming your users are opening the report from a form, you can code the button to open the report in preview rather than report mode."

That might be worth doing and is easy enough to implement. Thanks for the idea

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