Report Missing Data


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Today, 10:30
Aug 11, 2007

I have a form, jobfolder, on this form I have a command button that open another form, finalreport, that is automatically populated from the first form. Both use the same query for data. So far no problem.
In the 2nd form, I have several text boxes that are manually filled in by the user and it has a command button to print a report. In the macro for this button I also have the first action set to refresh the form and then print a preview of the report. The report opens fine, it also uses the same query as the two forms, for data, but none of the information that has been added to 2nd form appears in the report, despite that fact that it does appear in the query.

What am I missing? I know this has to be simple, but, my mind is totally blocked on this.
Any help is always appreciated.


Mind you I have no real experience with reports.

AnyWho, the moment after the user enters data into some textboxes, you want to pull that info into the report? That would seem difficult, as reports usually tend to pull info from tables, not from textboxes on a form. I would have VBA code that moves the data from the textboxes into a table, and then base the report on that table.

Or, are you saying that the info needed is already in a table, but the report is failing to pull in that info from the table? That would seem odd.
Hi Jal,

Thanks for responding. It is already in the table and shows up in the query, but, nada on the report. Usually I create a separate query for reports, which seems kind of redundant, so this time I tried using the same query that I used for the form. Could that be where I went wrong? By the way I am using Access 2000. I have searched this forum and another VBA forum as well as the net to solve this problem. The search criteria I used was "Access report missing data". No luck anywhere. Another thing. Once the data is entered and the form refreshed it is also updated in the originating form, so, I have the data on form1, on form2 and in the query, but, the report is missing added information. I checked to make sure the text boxes on the report are visible, have a color assigned to the font and everything is as it should be.

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How about when you click on the Report in the object pane - does it open to display any data?
The report is not totally blank. It does display the data that has been automatically populated from the initiating form to the 2nd form where the editing is done. And the populated information is editable and does show up on the report. But on any of the text boxes that are manually filled in, they are not showing on the report. If I open it from the object panel the same problem occurs.
Maybe in Access forms, in some cases, it is hard to find a way to cause a query to be an "updateable object" after the fashion of a table. The only thing I can suggest is for you to base the report on a table rather than a query. To do this, when the user clicks the Print button, run the query in VBA

DoCmd.RunSql "SELECT INTO NewTable ...... "

In other words base the report on NewTable. I wish I could think of a better way to solve this, but am unable.
Thanks for the imput. The odd thing is everything except the report has the updated information. What I think I'll do is start from scratch and build a separate query for the report based on the first query, basically what I have been doing all along, and see it that solves the problem.

Thanks again,


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