Requesting info on Normalizing our Database

NUTS!!! I'm loosing my mind! Sorry again. Formatting the forms is something that I can do myself (or with a little help from most people in the forums). I really don't want to waste your time on that.

If we could, though, maybe get started on the "Job Tracking" aspect of this thing???
Also, I wanted to ask a couple quick questions about what we have done thus far... 1. for the "Parts" portion, will we be able to use drop-downs for existing data? Most of the vehicles use the same filters, batteries and stuff. 2. Actually, I was thinking the same thing for several other fields, like engines, transmissions, brakes, ect.

Your thoughts???
I talked that scenario at the end of post #86
I know that you did. And thank you for that. But I'm asking Bob if he see's that sort of thing fitting into his design here.
And I'm saying that it would, but if you're looking for answers from Bob only, that's OK. He's extremely helpful, so I'm sure he'll get you where you need to go. Dropping out now.
Hey Bob, I'm leaving for the day. I zipped both the NEW1 database and the CUA Vehicle Maintenance Records Database to take home with me. Hopefully we can blow through some of this on the weekend! Thanks again for all of your help!!!
I have been swamped. I'm currently on a bus going home so I can't do anything at this moment. Not sure if I'll have time tonight but I'll try. Work has a bunch of fires I am putting out so I'm sorry I've not been able to help out much recently.
No worries Bob. I appreciate what I get from you. I'm headed off on Easter break till Tuesday, so take your time. Also, I'm still using the old database to collect information. I figure that when we finish, we can just append everything over to the new one.

Relax, put your fires out, and enjoy a nice Easter with your family. I'll see you next week.

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