Reset Unic ID


New member
Local time
Today, 12:59
Sep 12, 2007

I have a MSsql 2005 server where i have created some tables.
Know i have run i to a problem.
In some tables i have a unic ID for example my customers get a unic ID that is generated automaticle and then i have a column where i write their names.

Now to the problem. I have another database today where the customers have got their customer ID and therefore i need the new table to be exactley as the old one.

Im doing this by typing the customer name one after eachother and then they the same ID as thei had in the old DB. But i got a problem typing in one of the names and then this unic ID is not possible to use. It takes for example 5,6,8,9 and i cant use 7. How can i regenerated the ID so that ID 7 is back?
Hi there

I had the same problem in SQL2000 and I had to delete the field ID and create a new one. It may be another easy way to do that but this worked with me.

I hope this helps

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