Rich Textbox


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Today, 08:44
Mar 3, 2000

Does anyone have a sample app for using the Rich Text Box control? Even though it has a control source, the control seems to ignore it. I don't have a clue where to start with it.

I downloaded the RTF2 ActiveX control from Lebans Holdings but I don't understand their their sample app at all. The data that appears in the control I don't see in the table that feeds the control.

Any help?


Thanks spacepro,

I downloaded and looked at the example but the data still looked cryptic as if it had template specifications in it. The data I want to display has formatting data for things like linefeeds and carriage returns. When I copy and paste it into a Word document – RTF formatted – it looks as I expect. I can also set up a form with a rich text box control from MS and one from Lebans Holdings and the data displays as expected in both. I would like to simulate this copying and pasting with code or simply to have the data binding work. I would like to display and print this data without having to use MS Word. Do you know of anyone using the rich text box control in this way? If not, how about a sample app showing how to use MS Word to print the data. Basically, I have a table containing song lyrics - two fields: an ID and the formatted lyrics.

Any ideas?

Thanks again,


I think I'm getting the hang of the rich text box. I have a form - the one from Spacepro's suggested download. I found that if I past the data into the rich text box on that form, the data's formatting specs are changed to the type apparently preferred by the rich text box. This is shown in the regular text box on the same form. Pasting the contents of the regular text box into a table means that the new table has data in the right format. I will try to figure out how to do this with code so I can reformat all the songs. Even if someone enters new lyrics into the new table with this form will store it correctly.

However, there is a new problem; the rich text box from Labans Holdings (RTF2) will display the lyrics correctly on a report but the control does not seem to have a "can grow" property. Because the lyrics are of varying lengths, I don't know beforehand how big it needs to be.

Does anyone know of a rich text box control that works in a report but that also has a "can grow" property?



I decided to give up on a rich text box for Access reports. But all is not lost. Using VBA I created a Word document for each song's lyrics with a filename that is based on the song ID. I will just use automation to get Word to print what lyrics are needed. It appears that this will work very well.

Thanks for your help.


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