Saving or emailing forms


Registered User.
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Today, 10:18
Jun 11, 2003
Does anybody know how to save or email a form ( the view)
I'm not sure I completely understand. If you mean you would like to take screen shots of your database, try this:

You could take a screen shot of the form by clicking <Alt>+<Print Screen>, and then paste this into Paint or another image program. Then save this image as a picture on your computer. You could then attach it in an email, etc.

Let me know if that helps or I am completely off track,

I would like to send the form from access.
Sending Forms from Access


Do you want to send the information that appears on the screen filling in your form?

If so then create a report based on the same source (table or query) as your form.

Then you will need some code behind a command button on your form to print the information that is currently displaying on your screen.

If that is want you want to do then let me know and I will send you a sample data base "Printing the current record"


You can use Snapshot to email your report (formatted to look like your form). Receivers must have Snapshot viewer (free download from Microsoft).
Yes, I want to send the current display...
Any code sample will be helpfull:)
saving or emailing forms

When I get home from work to-night I will send you a sample database with both printing current record and emailing current record (current record is the one that you form is displaying on the screen)

With my method you can only send e-mail in rtf (Rich Rext Format) so if your report has any logo's etc they will not work.

Sample Database

Here is the sample database I promised.

Let me know if this is answers your questions.


Hi ansentry

I have downloaded your sample database, as I would like to add email customer to my database...

The problem is when I click the Email Customer button, The VB editor opens with Compile Error Variable Not Found, I click ok and the Line Private Sub cmdEMailCustomer_Click() is highlighted in yellow, along with WIN_NORMAL highlighted in Blue

Can you help?
saving and emailing forms


I have just downloaded it and it works fine, are you having trouble with the downloaded version or did you copy it to a new or current database.

If you did the latter it appears that you have not copied over the mdShellExecute module.

I have made a small change to the prgram so you should download the new attachment. I missed it when I did the sample, after you have added a new e-mail address to a customer then the e-mail button will enable (after update).

If you look you will see that the mdShellExecute module was written by some else.


Many Thanks,

I have been away from work. I shall look at this later..


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