
As evidenced by the large number of areas of the world that wanted to remain under your tyranny - :eek::D

All children grow and leave home, mind you most stayed in the Commonwealth, and many ordinary folk probably wish we were still in charge, instead of people like Mugabe and Bush. ;)

I'm sorry - :o


No you're not, thats just empty words. You've said that dozens of times yet you continue on just the same - is that an example of American values and promises?

No you're not, thats just empty words. You've said that dozens of times yet you continue on just the same - is that an example of American values and promises?


I've ask numerous times for you to make an effort as well and you too always digress :)

When you're ready to deal let me know - :)

Otherwise I'm truely sorry until you become mean again :)

Edit: Geeze, is this how democrats act - ugh!
I thought it was 'Jeeze' - as in a slang name for 'Jesus', your name calling knows no bounds I see.


I think it's short for Gee-whiz smarty pants :rolleyes:

I see as usual you're determined not to at least try and be civil... What else is new.:)
Scousers have to be born and raised in the centre of Liverpool, I am from the outskirts, in fact although we had a Liverpool postal address for all other things we lived in Lancashire, surrounded by fields and as a youngster being chased by the local farmers and gamekeepers rather than the cops :D


So what's the term for a Lancastrian then? A Lanky?:confused::D
Name calling again Col? Not very nice. :rolleyes: Why you feel you have to stoop so low I'll never know - At least you did show a little respect by using an upper case 'R' in redneck :)


Looks like the marshall's back in town:p You'd better hope the judge is in somebody's back pocket:p
Thank you for an answer to a civil question. There are others here who seem to ignore normal conversation and only wish to stir people up.


If your cell number has nothing to do with a phone, you are probably a red-neck.

Jeff Foxworthy - the Red-neck comic.
So we can conclude that arguing with a Yank is the same as arguing with a brick wall?:confused::cool::p

Or that arguing with Rich is like going shopping for fish...nothing but red herrings.:rolleyes:
Typical Col... Argue with a brick wall over something worthless. Have it your way. :)

It's only worthless now you've been proved wrong.

Your the one that came on with the smarty pants name calling
It's only worthless now you've been proved wrong.

I use one word, you come up with a different word and def and infer I mean something entirely different - :confused::confused:

Your the one that came on with the smarty pants name calling

It's 'you are' = 'you're'. Please get it right next time or 'your' next job interview may not go very well... :eek::D:D
Spelt wrongly may I add.

Can you reference that "geeze" = "gee-whiz'?


It's an American thing.
Gee...geez...gee whiz...
Socially acceptable alternatives to swearing.
Many more.
No not at all. I understand Rednecks live in Georgia, you have a gun and kill things so that's the gunslinger part, and the bible belt is also in the southern states.

Whats the problem? It's certainly less offensive than the names you call me, at least I can justify my posts whereas your namecalling is just plain rude and ignorant. Not really surprising though.


Calm down, take a deep breath and please tell me how one person's name calling can be less offensive than anothers?

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