
Cindy, as you well know, there are several US posters out there who relish at trying argue with Rich and I.

Anyway, it's 11pm here so I'm off to bed.

Cindy, as you well know, there are several US posters out there who relish at trying argue with Rich and I.

Anyway, it's 11pm here so I'm off to bed.


Yes, well you're not completely innocent either. :)

Sleep well.
There is a profound difference between a question and a statement, is it too difficult for an American to understand this?:rolleyes:

So, have you stopped beating your wife?

Just a question.
Dear Santa, all I want for Christmas is forum peace. I know world peace is too much to ask, but just a couple days heck even a week when people here aren't tearing each other down and calling names, dragging them through the mud.

thank you

It's been 3 days of 'peace' now - odd that nobody else bothers to post anything. Where's all this 'sensible' conversation people are so desperate to have?:confused:

I think everyone's catching their breath for the next round.
I think everyone's catching their breath for the next round.

It just seems to me that if people aren't having a go at me or Rich, then they don't have anything else to say.

Anyway, K wanted a week, so a week it will be (as far as I'm concerned)

It's been 3 days of 'peace' now - odd that nobody else bothers to post anything. Where's all this 'sensible' conversation people are so desperate to have?:confused:


They have long since given up on the watercooler/political forum. Why bother when every thread descends into a slanging match.

They have long since given up on the watercooler/political forum. Why bother when every thread descends into a slanging match.

Yes, it's annoying - I don't know why they do it:confused: must be an American thing.

No, just boring.

It is inevitable that sooner or later a member of the "Slanging Gang" on either side of the pond will make a disparaging statement about the US or the UK and off we go again.

The original thread is lost in the exchange of reparte.

Am I the only one who thought this show got tiresome the third or fourth time I saw it?
Am I the only one who thought this show got tiresome the third or fourth time I saw it?

No, I gave up a while back and put them all on ignore. It's much more peaceful now. I'm thinking of getting a scooter and thought I could get some good info here. Silly me.
No, just boring.

The original thread is lost in the exchange of reparte.

Am I the only one who thought this show got tiresome the third or fourth time I saw it?

Repartee is supposed to be witty, the slanging definitely isn't.

As Paul indicated many have given up, some nolonger visit the forum at all.

No, just boring.

It is inevitable that sooner or later a member of the "Slanging Gang" on either side of the pond will make a disparaging statement about the US or the UK and off we go again.

I know I can justifiably be placed in one of those 'gangs' but as you say the joke has well and truly gone past it's sell by date. It's a conversation killer that I want no part of anymore. :o
Pretty bad when one poster in particular see's the need to take it from the 'cooler into other areas of the forum:


- :(
Pretty bad when one poster in particular see's the need to take it from the 'cooler into other areas of the forum:


- :(

Questioning as to why a UK site has US dates is not a 'slanging match' - it is also true that the US influences have infiltrated our lives, it is also true that we are gradually losing our identity to the USA - it is also true that the next superpower will be the Chinese. Please tell me what is wrong with that post.

Just what exactly is your problem Ken? You can't wait to deliberately read the wrong things into my posts time after time and then make out you're the goody and I'm the baddie.

No, I gave up a while back and put them all on ignore. It's much more peaceful now. I'm thinking of getting a scooter and thought I could get some good info here. Silly me.

I would be more than happy to discuss this topic. I have a Suzuki 400cc maxi scooter and investigated many others prior to purchase.

Pretty bad when one poster in particular see's the need to take it from the 'cooler into other areas of the forum:


- :(

I think that there are 2 of us involved here, but I make no apology for my statement. I like the Americans (most) I have met, but after 8 visits to the States (business and pleasure) I have to admit to finding too many inflexible in accepting that the rest of the world does not march to their tune, infact I have had more problems with language there than anywhere, others nations make an effort to understand, but if you don't use the correct American term then forget it.

I think that there are 2 of us involved here, but I make no apology for my statement. I like the Americans (most) I have met, but after 8 visits to the States (business and pleasure) I have to admit to finding too many inflexible in accepting that the rest of the world does not march to their tune, infact I have had more problems with language there than anywhere, others make an effort to understand, but if you don't use the correct American term then forget it.


I'm glad you said that Bri - I'd be reported for daring to mention it:rolleyes:

I think you (and anyone else) know to whom the reference was made.

As far as being inflexible, I'll try to make it a point to be more understanding to foreigners I meet. (As long as they leave their horses ass attitude at home :p)


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