Seeking Microsoft Access Article Writers


Access World Site Owner
Staff member
Local time
Today, 19:49
Sep 28, 1999
We are seeking someone with excellent English, experience in technical writing and a great knowledge of Microsoft Access and VBA. The ideal person will have a IT/computer related degree or will have had experience as a programmer. In addition, writing or journalistic experience is useful.

There are a number of projects we have in mind, such as Microsoft Access tutorials, articles, newsletter content and so forth.

So, if there are any volunteers or low cost writers out there (from 3rd world country?) then please get in touch via Private Message. We would be pleased to hear from you. :)

Another idea we had was that contributors to our newsletter get to put a link to their site, so they benefit from exposure. These articles would have to be unique and they would also be put under an articles section of the main site.
Interestingly the owner of this site - seems to think MS Access knowledge is not worth paying for. Well not much anyhow.
Hey - I coudl hva ago - wot with my tpying
(That's quite hard to type this wrong dilberately )
Interestingly the owner of this site - seems to think MS Access knowledge is not worth paying for. Well not much anyhow.

I willing to write articles and be paid from whatever subscription fee you can raise from Paul ;)
i ka'nt rrite but I kan type purty gud. I aIN'T FrUMm A 3RD WOLRD
cuntry but i em frumm the thurd planet frumm the sun.

Is that gudd enohgf?

I also two is cheep.

What kind of articles are we looking for? Nuts 'n bolts? Theory? War stories? Sexy little tricks of the trade? Some combination of the above?

I have been told that I have some decent writing skills. I am one of those rare individuals who actually CANNOT make money off of this sort of writing because of a conflict-of-interest clause in my employment contract. But if I don't get paid, turns out that is legal.

I'm not up on some topics, though. No exposure beyond simple reading of articles for things like SQL Server as a BE, no web usage, and my understanding of AcXP is limited to some minor home projects.

On the other hand, I can write articles on

- Disaster recovery
- Disaster planning
- Basic design concepts
- Making forms look pretty
- Some nuts 'n bolts issues
- Some slightly more advanced issues like collection enumeration, external application triggering and use, and normalization issues.

Use the e-mail address "" to initiate a discussion with me if you think I might be able to help somewhere along the line. My stored profile address is on a U.S. DoD network, which would be inappropriate use for this kind of project.

I'd be willing to help for free if you stop associating the third world with "cheap" and start referring to it as "developing." You know, PC and all.. :)
The third world is developing? I thought they just killing each other :mad:

Isn't the Second world developing :confused:

urghhh PC like s*******s :cool:

And I love these smilies :eek:
The third world is developing? I thought they just killing each other

Isn't the Second world developing

...Oh, hell if I know. The term has changed about a million times. Maybe we're suppose to be saying least economically developed, economically developing, and most economically developed now.... But those terms only reflect a nation's economic status.

Are there Twitter alerts or SMS services that can keep us up to date?
MS Access writers... maybe

Howzat from sunny Durban in South Africa.

Yeah I'd be happy to write, depending on the topic.

I particularly like talking about how to best get the right solution between SQL Server's Business Intelligence Tools, Access, and other alternatives.

I guess it also depends on how much time you are asking from the writer as well.

I am not interested in the money side of the equation :eek: - I reckon I can gain a lot from the community by getting quick answers for my problems (and boy do I have a good couple of them) from the community in exchange for giving as much as I can.

I have been working with databases (Oracle, MySQL, Clipper, dBase, Access, +++) for >20years and I lecture on all of the MS Business Intelligence topics - and I still feel like a newbie (especially with this darn Access 2007 and with SQL 2008 on the horizon). I still feel that I have so much to learn and I reckon that anyone who has spent 2 weeks working at a problem can shed light on how that problem was eventually solved - so I can learn from a Grade 7 pupil or a grey haired veteran in the industry alike.

We are seeking someone with excellent English, experience in technical writing and a great knowledge of Microsoft Access and VBA. The ideal person will have a IT/computer related degree or will have had experience as a programmer. In addition, writing or journalistic experience is useful.

There are a number of projects we have in mind, such as Microsoft Access tutorials, articles, newsletter content and so forth.

So, if there are any volunteers or low cost writers out there (from 3rd world country?) then please get in touch via Private Message. We would be pleased to hear from you. :)

Another idea we had was that contributors to our newsletter get to put a link to their site, so they benefit from exposure. These articles would have to be unique and they would also be put under an articles section of the main site.

I'd be willing to help. I'm good with the simple questions and explaining them in layman's terms. Sometimes the uber-techies here can be a little too technical for someone for someone who's afraid to use a mouse because it might bite them or the cat will scare it away.
Yes, I would be willing. I have written and published 4 articles, 3 in Smart Access, 1 in AccessVBA.
hdmyg8586, WTF? did you even read the rest of the thread? LOL!!
hi....i like to work for you. m a computer graduate and rite now working as a Technical Writer in one of the indian MNC dealing in data recovery software and service.
hi....i like to work for you. m a computer graduate and rite now working as a Technical Writer in one of the indian MNC dealing in data recovery software and service.

And with writing as bad as that you'll be lucky to pick up work hauling trash.

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