Sending an Email from Access


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Today, 13:36
May 5, 2009
First I would like to thank you for your time in reading this and I hope you can help a novice Access programmer.

I have written a database for my Home Inspection business and, although probably not the best written, it works very well so far. But what I am having trouble with is when I try and send the report. I put a button on my form that when clicked opens outlook, adds a report in PDF format, uses the Email of the client, puts in a generic subject and give a standard line of text. That all works fine, the correct report and the right person gets the Email.

The problem is how the Email looks. It just does not look professional. What I would like is the text to be formatted properly, sentence and paragraph format etc. I would also like a signature and logo on it. I would like it to be a professional letter with the report as an attachment instead of looking like something a 12 year wrote with crayon.

I've seen other threads here mention Outlook Automation, but to be honest, when I Goggled that and looked at it, my head started spinning :o. Is there a rather simple way, like using a template, or maybe making a second report that is the text of the Email? Before I send the Email, I also send it to file and verify the PDF converted correctly so I have no problem if it is a two step process. One to make the file, then a second where I create the Email but manually attach the file.

Since I'm here, I'm also just curious. Like I said, this database works, but I'm sure it's not working as best as it could, probably could be cleaned up. Is this a good place to have it reviewed and what would be the cost of having it cleaned up?

P.S. Although many clients and their reports are stored in the same database, I only send one report at a time to one client. No mass mailings.
You can have code that will attach a file and you can also have code that will use a Word doc as the background for the email and it will be the same format as the Word doc. Access data can also be inserted into the Word document Bookmarks.

If you go the VBA and Modules forum of this site and do a search based on Outlook in the thread title it will turn up lots of threads.

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