Shooting of little Rhys Jones!!

Who brought the storm then?:confused: and not only that but who made these imperfect men in the first place?
Isn't the standard response from religious types to say that God gave people free will and if they go on to make bad decisions, he can't be held responsible? It's a great answer, when you think about it, because it allows all the good things they do to be attributed to his excellent initial design work and all all of their screw-ups to be put down to their own free will.

The storm itself? I daresay someone has 'proven' it to be a result of humans creating global warming, etc. etc.
Isn't the standard response from religious types to say that God gave people free will and if they go on to make bad decisions, he can't be held responsible? It's a great answer, when you think about it, because it allows all the good things they do to be attributed to his excellent initial design work and all all of their screw-ups to be put down to their own free will.

The storm itself? I daresay someone has 'proven' it to be a result of humans creating global warming, etc. etc.

But if god is as perfect as we're led to believe why didn't it forsee mans flaws before we were created:confused:

As for the proof of global warming being attributable, under Bush the report would have been buried somewhere anyway;)
But if god is as perfect as we're led to believe why didn't it forsee mans flaws before we were created
Pick one:
a) He did. They're present for some reason you couldn't possibly fathom
b) He did. It's not for you - nor anyone - to question Him
d) They're not flaws, they're features (taking a Microsoft approach)
Pick one:
a) He did. They're present for some reason you couldn't possibly fathom
b) He did. It's not for you - nor anyone - to question Him
d) They're not flaws, they're features (taking a Microsoft approach)

Ours is not to reason why, ours is but to do or die:eek:;)
A pretty cheap shot, even for you.

God did not build a city on a major river near the sea on land that is below sea level, Man did.

God did not build a sub standard dike and levy system to keep the water out, Man did.

If you wish to assign blame, at least point in the right direction.

And God did not bake the bread on the table either - you can't have it both ways.

I suppose you consider that a cheap shot!:rolleyes:

Dont take offense where there is none! What do you mean even for me:mad:
What do you mean even for me:mad:

Got your attention didn't it.

I remeber seeing Science shows on TV in the 70's about what might happen to New Orleans if a really big hurricane hit. Happened pretty much as they thought it would back then. There's plenty of blame to go around here although it looks like the Army Corps of Engineers is going to be the main scapegoats.
It seems to me the New Orleans municipal government has escaped a lot of the blame. Sure, other organizations may have been responsible for the dikes and levies officially but this is our city thats at risk if the others screw up. A little double checking was certainly in order and if I lived there I would have gladly paid my share of the costs considering the consequences (a little hindsight here I'll grant you).

For the record, "Act of God" is a legal term, not a religious one.
#146 Today, 02:59 PM
Registered User Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Toronto ON
Posts: 841

Originally Posted by Pauldohert
What do you mean even for me

Got your attention didn't it.

I remeber seeing Science shows on TV in the 70's about what might happen to New Orleans if a really big hurricane hit. Happened pretty much as they thought it would back then. There's plenty of blame to go around here although it looks like the Army Corps of Engineers is going to be the main scapegoats.
It seems to me the New Orleans municipal government has escaped a lot of the blame. Sure, other organizations may have been responsible for the dikes and levies officially but this is our city thats at risk if the others screw up. A little double checking was certainly in order and if I lived there I would have gladly paid my share of the costs considering the consequences (a little hindsight here I'll grant you).

For the record, "Act of God" is a legal term, not a religious one.

That didn't - ZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
One other comment was made in passing that I cannot let pass unscathed.

God did not build a city on a major river near the sea on land that is below sea level, Man did.

Let's examine this.

Does anyone complain that San Francisco straddles a major tectonic fault line? When they have an adjustment, does everyone say it is time to leave San Francisco?

Does anyone complain that cities from Dallas Texas nothr through Oklahoma City, St. Louis, up to Milwaukee are in "Tornado Alley" ?? When an F5 tornado takes out whole city blocks, does everyone say it is time to leave Tornado Alley?

Does anyone complain that Chicago and Buffalo and International Falls typically have whole WEEKS when they are frozen over? So cold that elderly people have to go to a shelter or freeze to death in their own apartments... Does everyone say it is time to leave the Northern tier of cities to avoid the weather?

Does anyone complain that Portland was close enough to Mt. St Helens that it almost got covered in soot? Does everyone say it is time to leave Portland because of the nearby volcanoes?

Beginning to see the trend? How about southern Florida and sinkholes that swallow houses and cars? How about southern California and mudslides that undercut houses? How about northern California and southern Oregon - and parts of Washington state - with wildfires that take out neighborhoods?

Besides which, the oldest part of N'Awlins IS above sea level. It was some outlying neighborhoods that were at questionable elevations. Don't treat it monolithically because the problem is not monolithic.

Chastising folks because of where they choose to live is a dangerous game to play. It makes you look insensitive and boorish when you utter such nonsense.
One other comment was made in passing that I cannot let pass unscathed.

Let's examine this.

Does anyone complain that San Francisco straddles a major tectonic fault line? When they have an adjustment, does everyone say it is time to leave San Francisco?

Does anyone complain that cities from Dallas Texas nothr through Oklahoma City, St. Louis, up to Milwaukee are in "Tornado Alley" ?? When an F5 tornado takes out whole city blocks, does everyone say it is time to leave Tornado Alley?

Does anyone complain that Chicago and Buffalo and International Falls typically have whole WEEKS when they are frozen over? So cold that elderly people have to go to a shelter or freeze to death in their own apartments... Does everyone say it is time to leave the Northern tier of cities to avoid the weather?

Does anyone complain that Portland was close enough to Mt. St Helens that it almost got covered in soot? Does everyone say it is time to leave Portland because of the nearby volcanoes?

Beginning to see the trend? How about southern Florida and sinkholes that swallow houses and cars? How about southern California and mudslides that undercut houses? How about northern California and southern Oregon - and parts of Washington state - with wildfires that take out neighborhoods?

Besides which, the oldest part of N'Awlins IS above sea level. It was some outlying neighborhoods that were at questionable elevations. Don't treat it monolithically because the problem is not monolithic.

Chastising folks because of where they choose to live is a dangerous game to play. It makes you look insensitive and boorish when you utter such nonsense.

Which is why I didn't do that.
The message was in response to a suggestion it was God's fault it happened.
The only city God ever build was Eden.
It was not intended as an indictment of the people of New Orleans or an accusation that the disaster was their fault.
I'm certain you are familiar with the term "out of context".

While we're on the subject however:
Los Angeles has to steal water from the High Sierra in order to survive
Las Vegas was a water stop for steam trains in the desert. It is now the fastest growing City in the US and the water level at Hoover Dam is the lowest its been since they built it. (connection)

There are a lot of urban areas all over the world that were built in some pretty poor places. That doesn't make it the fault of the people who live there. I'm sure the majority of the residents live there because they were born there.
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Chastising folks because of where they choose to live is a dangerous game to play. It makes you look insensitive and boorish when you utter such nonsense.

Well that's odd because when I was here arguing the same point more than one Yankie was labelling me as the devil incarnate, funny old world eh:rolleyes:
Hell there are still some here of the same ilk praising Bush
Well that's odd because when I was here arguing the same point more than one Yankie was labelling me as the devil incarnate, funny old world eh:rolleyes:
Hell there are still some here of the same ilk praising Bush

You have a long way to go to become the Devil Rich. Now if the accusation was that you were one of his imps...

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