Single Record Corruption in Table -can it be fixed?


Registered User.
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Today, 12:40
Apr 12, 2002
I have a puzzelling problem with a corrupt entry in a table. The table consists of 2500 records, and for some reason entry 2148 has spontaneously corrupted.

I have no idea why this happened. I have tried replacing the corrupted fields in the table manually, but ACCESS keeps poping up "Invalid Argument" msgboxes.

If I try to delete the entry, I get the popup "The search key was not found in any record"

I don't want to delete the entry though, I want to correct it (I know what the record should be)

Is there any way out of this?

What I did was:

1) Copy old table [books] to new table [NewBooks] as structure only
2) Wrote a VB script to copy the entries from the old table into the new one up to the point of corruption.
3)Hand entered the correct data for the corrupted entry
4)Used the VB script to copy the rest of the record into the new table.
5)Deleted [books]
6)Renamed [NewBooks] to [books]

Was messy, but obvious.

I still can't fathom why this entry just spontaneosly died like that. I guess its just a feature.....
Is there a Memo field in the table?
I had one corrupt like that last week. The SQL group was conducting multi-user testing. One person opened a form with the record, a second person opened the form to the same record and changed it. Then when the first person went to save his changes, he got a dialog that asked if he wanted to overwrite, discard, or copy to the clipboard. He picked overwrite and the record corrupted. Of course we could never replicate the problem so I'm sure something else was going on. Luckily for me compact and repair fixed the problem. The other solution that -ian- used and that I've had to use in the past, was going to be a real pain because of the number of table relationships involved.
The field that corrupted so bad I couldn't even edit it WAS a memo field Rich.... Is this a problem with memo fields? Remember, I couldn't even delete the record either!

And Pat, sadly a compact and repair didn't help. And I was lucky the database is pretty basic. I try to do as much of the hard work as possible in SQL and not in access itself. I had hoped this would give the database a longer life.......

The user (my brother) doesn't read dialogue boxes and has the memory of a goldfish so he can't even tell me if he got any errors at the time.

Would it help if I upsized and tried to figure out SQL server? I hear there is a 5-client version that comes with office now?
I have a brother like that. Does yours need a roommate?

Unless you are experiencing frequent corruption problems, I'd stay with Access.

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