Sort order of unbound list


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Local time
Today, 11:54
Jul 23, 2002
I need to manage a list of, in this case "medications", with this list the most common "meds" are on the top of the list. there will be at times new "meds" added that should be at the top of the list. I want to create a unbound box that will let me drag the "meds" up or down in the list. The best emample i know of is the way you can set the "Tab" fields on a form to move the tabs stops.
Use a table to store the meds and add a field to determine the sort order number. Then bind the list box to the table and use the ascending sort on the field that holds the sort order numbers.

I don't see how this will let me drag a "med" up of dwon this list by dragging it?
Thank you so much. never even thought of searching with "drag and drop". and the link i beleive will do just fine!

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