Standalone Application


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Today, 19:21
May 10, 2011
MS Access 2010

Is it possible to save a DB created in MS Access 2010 as a standalone application (or at the very least a front end form) so that users not having Access installed on a local PC can access the data on a network server and Add, Delete, Edit records (as per any set permissions)?

Grateful for any assistance.

Many thanks.

Taffski :confused: (Permanent state of mind!)
The short answer is Yes. You create the database with a full version of Access 2010 as an .accde type file. Distritute that file to the users and have them download the free Runtime version:

You will need to provide all required interface as those using the runtime version can do nothing but the things for which you provide tools.
Many thanks for the heads up and the prompt reply.

First bit completed; now on to distribution............wish me luck!!! :)
You are very welcome.

Good luck with your project..
Runtime is opening the User Form on remote PCs and updating the data tables nicely. Many thanks for the assistance.

If I may go one step further.........the Cmd buttons don't seem to work in the runtime version so users can't search for specific records (of which there are > 14,500) and can't print reports.

Everything seems to be enabled in the Trust Centre in the xyz.accdb file before saving as xyz.accde.

Any ideas? :confused:
Here is the link to the runtime version of Access 2010. The link isn't complete or clickable as this is only my second post.

microsoft dot com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=10910

Here is the 2013 version
microsoft dot com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=39358

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