Strange Form Behaviour


Registered User.
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Today, 14:40
May 28, 2014

I am trying to create a new form from an existing table and I'm seeing something strange. I click on the Table name, then create the form using the 1st icon (the one labelled Form) - it creates a new form, but for a different table. The recordsource of the form itself is the right one. Any idea why this may be happening, and how to fix it?


If you say the Recourd Source is the same as the form, what is the indication that it's created the form for a different table? Perhaps some screenshots will help.
Indications - two things, on the form (it seems to default to a split form) the table displayed is different, and the number of recrds is wrong. Unfortunately, I can't put screenshots up for this.
So you hit Form and it created a Split Form?
You can show a screenshot by blanking out any confidential information.
I got around it by making a query of just the table in question and creating a form based on the query.

Good to hear. But does the problem still exist?
It does. I was a little off - the form doesn't come as a split form - it adds a subform object that shows a different table. I do see, going though the Object Dependencies, that this table is dependent on the one that is shown.

But, now that I have a workaround, I haven't really been looking at it.
Can you upload a sample db with the offending table and steps to reproduce the problem?
Unfortunately no - it is on a system that is not connected to the Web and there is no way to get things like this off of it. I think that it is the object relationship that is causing the issue, but I found a way to get around it that works for what I am trying to do.
It's best to fix the problem than working around it. And you said you can't put up screenshots so I suppose there's not much else I can do.

Hopefully the workaround keeps on working.
I hope it does too! Thanks for the pointers - sorry restrictions here prevent my giving more information.

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