Streets and Trips


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Today, 10:06
Oct 2, 2002
I need to connect to Streets and trips from access and looked around the various discussion forums but invain. I am not new to Access but am comparatively new to accessing/merging other programs through access.
What i am looking for is to be able to start the Streets and trips application and feed it the data that i need to map (pushpins) as done for mappoint in the code here:

Dim objApp As MapPoint.Application
Dim objMap As MapPoint.Map
Dim objLoc As MapPoint.Location
Dim objPushpin as MapPoint.Pushpin

Private Sub Command1_Click()
' Map a point in the OLE control.
' Get the application object from the OLE control.
Set objApp = OLE1.object.Application
' Put the OLE control in Edit mode.
OLE1.DoVerb (1)
' Get the current map.
Set objMap = objApp.ActiveMap
' Find an address.
Set objLoc = objMap.FindAddress("One Microsoft Way", "Redmond", "Washington", "98052", geoCountryUnitedStates)
' Set a pushpin at the address.
Set objPushpin = objMap.AddPushpin(objLoc, "Microsoft")
' Browse to the pushpin.
' Highlight the pushpin.
objPushpin.Highlight = True
' Set the focus back to the command button.
' Take OLE control out of Edit mode.
End Sub

Private Sub Form_QueryUnload(Cancel As Integer, UnloadMode As Integer)
' Clear variables before you unload the form.
Set objMap = Nothing
Set objApp = Nothing
Set objLoc = Nothing
Set objPushpin = Nothing
End Sub

I got this code from;EN-US;277750

Could someone please provide me with some help. Thanks

Did you ever figure out how to link streets and trips from Access? I am looking for the same information. Can you help?
No, I wasn't able to find a solution to the integration. I jus' had the application start streets and trips and from there i gave the user directions on how to get the addresses from the database..Wasn't a very critical requirement so never gave it much importance since i didn't get any feedback from the forum...Hope you can figure out how to map addresses from a table..If not, lemme know..

Thanks Rishi, I still haven't had any luck with getting it to work, it seems there are too many steps to enter information and find address and plot the routes from current location. I ended up setting up hyperlinks for MapQuest and Google Maps which work quite well, however they load so slow, and my laptop has to be connected to the internet to do it. Currently we are on a wireless connection, and aircards are soo expensive and as slow as dialup. Our GPS company is trying to set up a USB port that our laptop could connect to the cellphone that the GPS unit uses. However in the meantime Streets and Trips with the remote GPS would have been a stopgap fix, allowing the database to display the map location right from our street index table. We are using this in an ambulance service for quickly locating addresses with cross streets. If you need the code for MapQuest or GoogleMaps let me know, they are quite accurate. And if you do manage to fid the code for Streets and Trips let me know.

Cheers Shawn

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