Subforms that "forget" about their master/child fields


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 07:36
Jan 19, 2009
I have form that can pop up a second, modal form. The modal form contains about 6 subforms. Everything was working peachy until this morning.

Now when you hit the button to call up the modal form, it asks me for all the parameter values for all the master/child relationship fields for all the subforms on the modal form, as if I had mistyped all the names. There is even a value taken from the calling form that I can see exists and it says it can't find it.

If go into the modal form and delete or add any subform and save, it'll work until I close the program and open it again. At that point it forgets again and stops working. Nothing changes, I just close and open again.

I'm hoping this is something stupid I did and just can't find, but I've never heard of this sort of problem before. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

EDIT: More craziness. If open the program and the modal form isn't working, I can open the VBA editor, close it immediately, and then the modal form will work again until I close the program. I don't touch a line of code, just open the editor and it starts working. Very strange.
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There are only two things I can imagine here, corruption or you've mispelt something(s). Create a new Access database shell and import all your objects into that. Recreate the link Master/Child Fields again.
Thank you!

That seems to have done the trick. I don't know why doing that didn't occur to me.

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