Table "Missing Information:Out of Date" in Object Dependencies


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Today, 15:20
Feb 20, 2012
I inherited an Access 2007 database that is using ODBC links to a back-end MySQL database to a remotely hosted site. During my discovery phase of this database I ran the "Object Dependencies" tool for a linked table and some of the results state "Missing Information: Out of Date". Can anyone help me understand what that means? What's out of date? What's missing? When I click on the hyperlink "Out of Date" all I get is a generic Access Help module. The ODBC link is good, and I can get live data just fine. I ran the Linked Tables updater just for the hell of it but it didn't change anything.
I wouldn't worry overmuch about whatever you see under "object dependencies" - that tool is pretty much useless (if someone knows otherwise, let's hear it). And when it comes to searching external sql server databases who knows if it even works. Why not analyze the database on the SQL server side? I guess it depends on your aim/goal here.

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