Text Box Grand Total is blank - no value in it.


Registered User.
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Today, 10:28
Mar 2, 2016
Thanking everyone in advance.

I have a form that has 2 subforms.
Both subforms perform calculations. In the footer of both subforms,
I have a Text box that has the totals that I need.
(So far, this is a success.)

Here is my issue:
If the second subform does not have a value, my Text Box Grand Total is blank, not producing a total from the 1st subform.

(I've set values to the 2nd subform to 'zero' as a default but it still does not work)

I'd love to have suggestions to resolve the issue.

Note: Thank you all for the previous help that I've received. I do enjoy suggestions and try them. I also enjoy doing research and I follow the great instructions. I do wish the best for the group. Thanks again for the assistance.
What is the expression for the Grand Total? Perhaps you need to just use Nz() function.
This is the data/expression that I used for the Grand Total text box:

=[Qry Order Products Details Line Total subform].[Form]![Text Box - Order Total]+[Form - Accessory Line Total Details Subform].[Form]![Text Box - Accessory Order Total]
Are you saying the second subform has no records?

So what happens with:

=Nz([Qry Order Products Details Line Total subform].[Form]![Text Box - Order Total],0)+Nz([Form - Accessory Line Total Details Subform].[Form]![Text Box - Accessory Order Total],0)
You are correct.
There are times when the order will not call for the 2nd subform to have any Accessories.

I am going to try your suggestion.
Thanks again.

It works like a charm.
I went to a record that did not have any Accessory selected.
The Grand total text box had only the value of the Main order.
So correct was the answer.

June7, thanking you so much for the help.
I learn so much from you all.
For a 65 year old man, it makes me feel like I'm almost (ALMOST) back in college again, more than 30 years ago.

Thank you Thank you Thank you.

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