Text box to table


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 17:37
May 16, 2003
I am setting a true/false value in an unbound textbox. How do I put this value in a table?
2 things,

1. Why use a textbox when there is a checkbox that is designed for true/false, yes/no answers? - If you must have True and False, use a combo with only those 2 selections in the rowsource.
2. Why make it unbound if you want to store the data in a table - make it bound to the field you want to store the value in.
Ok, If I use a checkbox how do Istore that value in a table? I want my db to check this value to see if it needs to run.
In your table you need a field with the field type set to yes/no. Then bind your checkbox to this. If the checkbox is ticked = yes/true and vice versa.

Depending on how you want your Db to check this value. If it is in a query, set the criteria for this field to True or False depending on what you want.
If it is in Vba then use

If me.NameofCheckboxControl = True (or False) then
Whatever you want
End if


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