update access db by HTML page


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 10:56
Oct 5, 2004
first i'm sorry on my english.

I have in my work some computers with network.

I want to send mail to one computer, the mail is like form in HTML
have 3 things:
1. textbox
1 select
1 submit

is it possible to get the mail and to write in the mail and send it (by submit button) then to update the access db.

I have no idea.
if there is an easy way to do it, I will happy to hear.

[I think to do it with an asp page in each computer that the HTML send the items to the ASP page (by request.get) then the asp page update the db].


up up up ....

sorry but I try again, maybe now someone can help me.

I can't speak for anyone else but I have no idea what you are asking here. You certainly can't do anything simply by putting submit buttons in a HTML page, it needs to call a script. If you explain more generally what you are trying to achieve, you might get an answer.

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