Updating records in a table


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 10:02
Aug 25, 2006

I have a table with many records, and I would like to update for one of the fields, the same information as in the first record. Keep in mind that a group of records have the same attribute.
The same problem is easy to solve in EXCEL just by dragging down the info from the above cell - in this way you populate all the records with the same info as the first record, for a specific field.

How can I achieve this using ACCESS?

I want this:

1 cost1 cost2
2 cost1
3 cost1
4 cost1
5 cost1

1 cost1 cost2
2 cost1 cost2
3 cost1 cost2
4 cost1 cost2
5 cost1 cost2

Thank you!
Try this

you have to make a sql update statement just like this

UPDATE table_name
SET column_name = new_value
Thanks, rodin

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