Updating records


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 17:08
Apr 22, 2012

I am not sure I understand how records update. for example if a description changes - how does this change throughout the database automatically.

e.g. if the recipe contains a sub field that contains ingredients such as flour - but now the description of flour has change to Wheat Flour.

How is it possible to ensure that this changes throughout.
my concern is however that it will be a user database and if the user updates the ingredients in the Ingredient Table from Flour to Wheat Flour - this needs to be reflected in the Recipe Table for ALL recipes containing Flour. :confused:
(the forms that update the fields are not based on queries)
thanks for your reply. I am working on a chemical formulation database (hence the similarity to recipes). Sometimes names change for chemicals which means that I cannot change each and every single component. e.g. what if water was called Aqua tomorrow. But what I have noticed is that previously my database was working and now it is not - it seems to have something to do with my relationships, primary key and naming nomenclature of the related fields.

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