Values of recordset to textbox


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Today, 13:22
Jun 9, 2008
My database is coming along quite nicely.

Presently when I click a button I have a recordset that hits the database a populates the fields of data on a listbox according to my SQL statement. The data that is displayed is all of the sportscards in a particular set, which I previously chose from a combobox above. I have corresponding textboxes on the bottom of my screen for the fields that I am displaying on my listbox. What I would like to do is when one particular card is clicked from the listbox have the fields or data from this card displayed in the textboxes below, eg: CardNo, LastName, FirstName textboxes as well as the ability to add the quantity and condition (combobox) of the particular card that I own. I may have 3 of the same card but all three might be in a different condition. After the textboxes are filled in the bottom of my form I would like to be able to click on a button and have this data saved as a record in a table in my db.

I hope this is not too confusing, and thanks very much to anyone that can help.

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