"X" marks the spot, or not as the case maybe


New member
Local time
Today, 13:27
Nov 14, 2017
I apologise in advance for the length of this post, it’s not that I expect the answer to be long and complicated but what I’m trying to achieve is specific.
I’m mid build of a medical records data base for a self-employed sports therapist, a family member so I’m not charging anything for the finished product. What I’m wanting, is to be able to place an anatomical image of the front and rear of a person as a back ground (I am able to do this) and give the user the ability to place “X”’s at any point over the drawing to indicate where the injury site is.
I have done this with a sub form using the fields from a table with fields numbered sequentially. Then placed these fields invisibly over the background image, linking the unique ref No’ from the patient records to the looked up unique number in the numerically fielded table.
This has resulted in indifferent outcomes and is a very time consuming process to continue by trial and error.
Is there anyone who bothered to read this far, who could suggest another cleaner approach to achieving my goal. If I have failed to explain my project, I apologise. I can try and explain better to anyone who may require further details in order to possibly steer me in the right direction.
Thanks in advance, Davesdowndeep.
Perhaps you could post your 'pin a tail on a donkey' database for others to look at.
Obviously remove any real data & replace it with sample pseudo data first.

As you have less than 10 posts, you have to zip anything you upload to the forum

EDIT: And if you think that's long you should see some of the other posts ... including the one I've just written before answering yours

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