Yes/No Data Type


New member
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Today, 11:37
Oct 21, 2011
Hi I am new to the forum and have not used access for years. But now want to build a datbase foe a school library in Zambia.

I am trying to change the yes/no data type to show IN/OUT In a validation rule. I think this can be done but everything I try does not work. Please help me someone.
Thanks that has worked
Rather than text I would change it to a numeric field (integer or byte subtype).

Store the Yes and No as -1 and 0 respectively. These will continue to respond to queries exactly as a Boolean value since these values are the same as those used to store the Boolean values.

For the display enter this in the Format property of the control:

I don't understand what you mean by "In a validation rule".

However I suspect you are approaching the task incorrectly. The status of the book should not be stored in the table but calculated as required from the borrowing transactions.
Thanks your reply has help me enormously. I probably am approaching this the wrong way but trying to re learn from what was basic level of access from the first place having used excel for most of my databases. I can now show In or Out but still have to key 1 or -1 for out. In excel I probably would have used list to get an option but I will work on that and then on the Borrower aspect. Thanks again.

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