I'm amazed! (1 Viewer)


Ignore List Poster Boy
Local time
Today, 15:06
Apr 27, 2015
I'm not. Islam and Christianity are much more similar that most Americans think or want to believe. Our Government needed us to hate them and fear them (just like the Germans, Japanese and Russians) to justify the "war".

I have a LOT of fun telling my devout Pentecostal in-laws that the God the Muslims worship and call Allah is the very same God we all sing about every Sunday. It gets REAL fun, REAL fast in the Clark household!


Ignore List Poster Boy
Local time
Today, 15:06
Apr 27, 2015
I like the 7-layer cake analogy too...very good article!

Uncle Gizmo

Nifty Access Guy
Staff member
Local time
Today, 20:06
Jul 9, 2003
There's a town near me "Reading" that's >>>red<<< >>>ing<<< to you foreigners!

Not >>>read<<< >>>ing<<<

It has a multitude of nationality's...

One group formed by ex Gurkhas, from Nepal have a cafe. It's a traditional cafe for their own folk, although anyone is welcome. They serve traditional Nepalese food.

I particularly like Thupka:-
which is a spicy noodle soup.

I endeavour to have it when I'm that way....

The government has tried to stop the retired Gurkhas (British Army Soldiers) from settling in the UK, insisting they return to Nepal.

However Johanna Lumley has come to their aid.

Meanwhile, 1000 immigrants a day are arriving from France, crossing the channel in all sorts of rickety vessels, and being welcomed with open arms!

I think I might have to immigrate to America, mind you I'm probably too old, the only way I could get in is by flying to Mexico, crossing the border and then I too would be welcome with open arms!


Ignore List Poster Boy
Local time
Today, 15:06
Apr 27, 2015
C'mon over...I hear they are looking for Access Devs in Northern PA!

If you come via Virginia, I have some cigars and single malt to ease your journey...


Well-known member
Local time
Today, 14:06
Mar 13, 2021
I have a LOT of fun telling my devout Pentecostal in-laws that the God the Muslims worship and call Allah is the very same God we all sing about every Sunday
it also begs the question: why do muslims hate so much when someone tells them that Jesus is the only true God?


Lifelong Learner
Local time
Today, 12:06
Mar 14, 2017
it also begs the question: why do muslims hate so much when someone tells them that Jesus is the only true God?
Adam makes a pretty good point. If both people from both religions are both telling you that they're not worshiping the same God, does not kind of tell you anything? Maybe they're not..


Immoderate Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 14:06
Feb 28, 2001
it also begs the question: why do muslims hate so much when someone tells them that Jesus is the only true God?

Jewish and Muslim faiths do not acknowledge Jesus as divine, only as a teacher and prophet. Their faith is based more on the Pentateuch / Torah / first five books of the O.T., which doesn't include anything about the trinity. Therefore, to say (to a non-Christian) that a prophet is the only true God when there is a discernibly different entity in that role is not going to work well.

It is probably a similar reason as to why Muslims hate it when you say that Muhammad was a drug user and child molester, although there is some evidence that both statements are true.


New member
Local time
Today, 20:06
Sep 5, 2020
Some say Jesus was the messenger, some say it was Muhammed, I don't give two hoots who the messenger was - DID WE GET THE MESSAGE!!


Ignore List Poster Boy
Local time
Today, 15:06
Apr 27, 2015
they're not worshiping the same God, does not kind of tell you anything? Maybe they're not..
What that tells me is that both sides are being intentionally clueless and just want to be obstructive to true world peace.


Immoderate Moderator
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Local time
Today, 14:06
Feb 28, 2001
I don't know exactly how scholarly the article is, but this includes references to his 3rd wife being 6 years old at marriage and POSSIBLY as young as 9 when the marriage was consummated.

Whether he was actually a drug user is hard to say, but some of his seizures might have been psycho-medically induced.

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
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Local time
Today, 15:06
Feb 19, 2002
Islam and Christianity are much more similar that most Americans think or want to believe
You might want to read the Koran and Shariah Law. See if that changes your mind any. Originally Mohamad thought of us all as "people of the book" since Islam like Christianity is also based on the Old Testament. But as Mohamad failed to convince the Jews and Christians that he was the new prophet and they refused to accept him, his mood changed and we became the enemy. The Koran is tough to read. It isn't chronological or grouped by topic. It is composed of Surah's that are organized by their length so the shortest are first and they get progressively longer. I think that is because they force children to memorize it and so it is easier to start with the shorter passages.

The Koran advocates killing people who won't submit to Islam. They also hold slaves and practice polygamy. But unlike the Mormons who put no cap on the number of wives, Islam only permits 4. But the wives don't have any say if the man wants to add to his haram. Islam also encourages temporary "marriages". Sort of like paying for a call girl for the week but sanctioned by the Koran and again, the wife has no say in the matter. Go to any country where Shariah law is imposed and see if you can find a Christian church - any denomination.. How about a Temple? In your dreams. Jews are the ultimate enemy. How about a peaceful community of Amish or an Ashram? Non believers are barely tolerated for business reasons. They are not welcome as residents let alone citizens. In fact, Muslims from other countries aren't even welcome as citizens. Kuwait did have one Catholic church. That was to keep their Indian servant class quiet. In Kuwaiti households, most of the Indian servants slept in a corner of the kitchen or garage on a mat if they were not lucky enough to work in a household with servant quarters. So, they were very happy to work for an American or British family since we treated them like people rather than furniture.

Speaking about Jews being the enemy, one of my best friends is from a family whose whole village was expelled from Iraq in the 1930's. His family moved to China where my friend was born. Then to Australia, Canada, and finally the US. He's spent the last 40 years as an import consultant working as a go-between for American companies needing to source batteries from China using the Mandarin he learned as a small child.

The first nanny we hired turned out to be an escaped sex slave. She was only with us for three weeks and we all loved her when she came to me to tell me she had to leave. I spent a week dragging her around town to embassies, lawyers, and government offices. There wasn't a thing I could do for her. The Indian embassy would issue her a new passport and transportation home although I would have paid for that myself if I had to. Short of that, she had to return to the Kuwaiti who had bought her from her father. Clearly, she would end up on the street if she went home (If you want to call it that), so she went back to her owner. We were too poor to buy her outright from her owner and we were not in a position to just leave when we'd only been there for less than a month and the US wouldn't let me sponsor her for a US visa because we were living in Kuwait. so I couldn't send her home to my mother.

I spent a year living in Kuwait and met a lot of friendly people. Mostly men. Kuwaiti women were homebound unless they were shopping and so there were no social opportunities to meet them although I did meet a number of Lebanese and Egyptian women at the bridge club. Their husbands were businessmen or diplomats. But I also learned a lot about Islam and their beliefs

We are now teaching our children Critical Race Theory so they learn to hate each other but Islam has a big head start. The Madrassas in poor Muslim countries funded by rich Muslims from around the world teach the boys nothing but the Koran and hatred for the West. Just enough to make them semi-literate. They are easier to turn into suicide bombers that way. They don't bother teaching the girls. The girls aren't worth teaching in their estimation.

My choice - welcome immigrants who come because they want to become Americans but no others. If Refugees in war-torn areas won't be accepted by the surrounding countries where they share the same customs, religion, and language, why should we take them when they start out with hatred in their hearts like Ilhan Omar. No good comes of this. We rescued her from a refugee camp, housed her, fed her, clothed her, educated her, elected her to Congress, and she absolutely HATEs us. Think about this clearly. None of the stable countries of the region will accept refugees. Why? Morocco is a pretty nice place. I've been there and would love to go back. Sound, safe, surely able to afford to integrate at least some refugees. Why won't they accept Somali or Syrian refugees? What do they know that we don't know?
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Immoderate Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 14:06
Feb 28, 2001
Winston Churchill got a lot of flak because of his words about Islam.



Well-known member
Local time
Today, 14:06
Mar 13, 2021
Any world leader would get flak for what they say about a religion if it is a controversial in the slightest

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