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  • MajP
    I was able to get it originally.
  • P
    Pat Hartman replied to the thread Sub Forms.
    I generally start with a query that selects the data in approximately the order I want it to appear on a form. Then I use the wizard to...
  • D
    Davebert replied to the thread Help with simple design.
    I noticed when I reply to a post that has a link in it I get an error or warning about possible spam etc and if I removed the link from...
  • D
    Davebert reacted to GaP42's post in the thread Help with simple design with Like Like.
    Have not seen it mentioned - but Type is a reserved word and should not be used as the name of a field. and it is recommended that ID...
  • D
    Davebert reacted to MajP's post in the thread Help with simple design with Like Like.
    To clarify Reserved words are words you should not use for naming Access Objects (tables, fields, forms, controls, queries, reports...
  • D
    Davebert replied to the thread Help with simple design.
    Thanks for the added info. I just got it installed so I have some catching up to do. I don't think I will miss those features from v2010...
  • MajP
    MajP replied to the thread Help with simple design.
    To clarify Reserved words are words you should not use for naming Access Objects (tables, fields, forms, controls, queries, reports...
  • G
    GaP42 replied to the thread Help with simple design.
    Have not seen it mentioned - but Type is a reserved word and should not be used as the name of a field. and it is recommended that ID...
  • G
    Is this just like how anti-abortionists are prevented from protesting outside abortion clinics? The action of the police is to prevent...
  • A
    AccessBlaster replied to the thread The Qur'an.
    Especially the climate cult alarmist.
  • G
    Also suggest invoice is really InvoiceLineItem, as currently it shows an Invoice is issued for each JobDetail. Expecting that JobDetails...
  • G
    Galaxiom replied to the thread The Qur'an.
    I did not title myself "super-moderator". I have no idea who applied that term to my profile. The religious of any flavour are often...
  • June7
    June7 replied to the thread Help with simple design.
    Lucky you, price went down. But maybe could have saved that $9.99 I am not sure you will notice any change from 2010. This lists what's...
  • D
    Davebert replied to the thread Help with simple design.
    I actually had this exact video open on one of many tabs in my browser yesterday but didn't have Access yet so I only watched a few...
  • jdraw
    jdraw reacted to MajP's post in the thread Help with simple design with Like Like.
    Its 2025. No need to read just grab a glass of wine and watch some videos. There are lots. This guy is pretty clear and understandable.
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