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  • Hi, Colin. Just to let you know that I posted a new thread in Sample Databases, Basic User Security. There is one attachment. Please, check it out.
    Thanks, Jiri.
    Hello Colin
    How do I email you, please?
    Regards Chris
    Click the link in my signature line in any of my posts or send me a private message (start a conversation)
    Don't use profile messages for this as the contents are visible to all
    Thanks for responding, Colin.
    I can't see how to email you. I know it's a pain but could you possibly email me a
    I could then reply to you with my question.
    Hi isladogs,

    Just wanted to thank you for this post.
    It is absolutely amazing.

    Thank you VERY VERY much !!!!

    So it will be at 13:00 here in Cameroon. I'll be at work but I'll try to find a way to join.
    If you miss it, the session will be recorded and uploaded to YouTube some time after the event.
    BTW Profile posts are visible to all. Better to post in a thread or use a private message (as appropriate)
    Thanks, noted !
    Want number format into 1st 2nd 3rd etc. I have hidden control on form bound with table, which keeps increasing by DMAX, while the data is entered by user.
    I found a post on the link below. My question is where and how to use this code. You were also there. thanks.
    I know how you like to test different ways of doing things. I suspect you would like to compare the techniques offered in this thread.
    Hi Greg.
    Thanks. I've just replied in the thread. Will do so if I find the time
    BTW did you see my PM reply regarding SQL Server security - before Xmas I think.
    If possible, please respond by PM or email ...definitely not in an open forum thread or profile message for reasons that should be obvious
    How to make a continuous flash for a record that meets a specific condition in the continuous records form
    Sorry - no idea what your question means. Please ask in a new forum thread so that others can respond as well.

    I just need code which hides the Access DB window and only have the open form. I have two more options in the form to which shows a report and one which saves the report as a excel file.

    my form name: frmMyTime
    my report name: rptMyTime

    I use both MS Access 16 64bit / 32bit.

    thank you very much for the solution on the resizeform
    this it absolutely amassing

    thank you so much for all the replies you assist me with
    You're welcome. Glad you liked it
    Norwegian Blue?!?
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