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  • Hi, thanks for sharing the getValueFromPopUp snippet. Question: I have a field, Customer, which has three alternative lookups, Name, Phone, Email.

    How would I accomplish returning the Customer Number back from a single pop-up with 3 lookups (only one would return a value).

    Thank you.
    Thank you!
    Hi MajP Thanks for showing me this trick! Can I do this in about 3 hours time as I am looking after my grandkids right now and about to have dinner with them, hope that's OK, I'm really looking forward to the session (hopefully it won't be too late for you by then?) otherwise can we make it same time as this, tomorrow? Hope you are OK with this EdKM
    Thank you MajP for your Date Picker selection. I'm a real novice a Access VBA but learning a bit more every day, your instructions are perfect and they got me out of a hole. Much appreciated.(y)
    Thank you for helping me most of the time. I posted a question, may be if you have time to help out in this post.
    Hello MajP, Hope you are doing fine. I have made some progress in my database and stuck on an issue. Please review the recent post, whenever you have time and let me know what is possible solution. Thanks for all your help
    I attached my database today (9.7.20) for your review in the previous thread due to not allowing for me to upload it here.
    You asked what is does Program mean. It is actually the classroom identification for that staff person. there are several staff who would not have that due to staff who do not work in a classroom or staff who are "floaters" or AN(as needed) who are not assigned to 1 particular classroom.
    We can forget the PIR Table. this is keeping track of all staff who had been hired and left during the program year. But I will have this information one my DB is done correctly.
    ok...I'm ready to tackle the issues with my current database. As you know there's a lot of work to be done. Where should I begin? You suggested combining some tables and changes their PK and creating FK. I'm ready whenever you are able to help me to get this done right and most effective.
    I saw it after I sent you that reply. I'm going to start working on that right now. TY so much! Did you let me know what the PK and /or FK are to be in each table?
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