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  • I waited for your reply.
    I tested your suggestion, it worked and handles Nulls.

    Sorry my mistake, i didnt mean to hurt your feelings.
    thanks for helping and making me realize.

    The credit goes to you because due to your experience the way you think about solutions , i cant.

    Sorry again.
    have a Nice day.
    Hi namliam. I didn´t want to create new thread for that but how to use icons/little pictures that (probably) come with access. Where are they located at? I´ve seen them in lots of db-s and templates. They also appear if you use wizard to automatically create form. Thx, olxx.
    Hi namliam..I need your help urgently.could you please see the thread 'Select Statement help please' in queries forum. Please can you figure it out.Thanks a lot.
    Your help is allowing me to learn access and I'm very grateful of that as I wasn't trained on this at all but was put in the middle of an ongoing project

    thanks very much for your past help, present help as well as future help
    I'm incredibly appreciative of the help you've been giving me. You've solved so many of my questions and I'm very grateful indeed!
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