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  • You may want to revise your post where you wrote: "But I thought all the glaciers were melting? We do have technology to convert salt water to fresh..." Glaciers are formed by fresh water freezing.
    Hi Pat, does the AW browser have an overload switch that refuses to send any replies once it reaches a certain threshold? For the last three days I've been trying to send replies to online advisors but I just get a message telling me that my messages are spam. I've tried to attach JPEG screenshots, a .mdb file , and a reply without any attachments at all but all I get is the dreaded OOPS! message.
    PMFJI, Pat will likely be asleep ATM.
    You need 10 posts I believe before you can attach anything.

    This is to stop spammers, who rarely hang around for 10 posts. :)
    Hey Pat, i came accross a thread in which you talk about using RDP when using DBs over VPN. May i ask, what is RDP ?
    Pat Hartman
    RDP = Remote Desktop. You would might have gotten an answer sooner if you had posted to the forum.
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