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    access2010 replied to the thread Subtraction Error..
    T.H.A.N.K. you Mark for pointing out something that I did not Know, THE SUM FUCTION.
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    access2010 reacted to MarkK's post in the thread Subtraction Error. with Like Like.
    When you use the =Sum() function, you are summing the expression for all rows. This is more commonly used in a header or footer to show...
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    access2010 replied to the thread Subtraction Error..
    T.H.A.N.K. you Amelgp, for your suggestion.
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    access2010 posted the thread Subtraction Error. in Forms.
    I tried to change the value from Currency to Numeric, but the math error continues. Original formula...
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    access2010 replied to the thread Query Does Not Work.
    Our accountant requests that we save the data to a Pdf file and Zip the Database to a DVD after all of the Yearly Documents have been...
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    access2010 reacted to Mark_'s post in the thread Query Does Not Work with Like Like.
    You cannot "save" data in a form or report, only in a table. The real question is "What is the regulatory requirement". Do you need to...
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    access2010 replied to the thread Query Does Not Work.
    Thank you for your follow up information.
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    access2010 reacted to cheekybuddha's post in the thread Query Does Not Work with Like Like.
    Fair enough, but The OP was asking for a query to display a different value in two columns for a specific situation (Transaction_Type =...
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    access2010 reacted to arnelgp's post in the thread Query Does Not Work with Like Like.
    If you have looked at the db the OP has posted, there are only 3 fields involved there: Transaction_Type and Book_Value the other 2 are...
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    access2010 replied to the thread Query Does Not Work.
    Thank you Arnelgp for your code and comments, which I discussed with our Accountant. She agrees with your word “Adjustments” Accounting...
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    access2010 replied to the thread Query Does Not Work.
    Thank you Arnelgp, I appreciate your suggestion and advice. Nicole
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    access2010 reacted to arnelgp's post in the thread Query Does Not Work with Like Like.
    as advice use your query as recordsource of your form. adjust the query if wrong calculation.
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    access2010 replied to the thread Query Does Not Work.
    T.H.A.N.K. Y.O.U. Cheekybuddha Your suggestion works, Since you like dogs, I will try to find one to pat this week. Nicole
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    access2010 reacted to cheekybuddha's post in the thread Query Does Not Work with Like Like.
    Is this what you are after? SELECT Broker, Symbol_Stock, Transaction_Type, CRA_Settlement_Amount, Book_Value, IIf(...
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    access2010 replied to the thread Query Does Not Work.
    Thanks Cheekybuddha for your comments. I thought that I was writing a Query to copy and calculate data, but it seems that I was wrong...
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