Recent content by Accessensible

  1. A

    Check for active records in a table

    If these two tables have a foreign key relationship, use select <something> from <table1> where exists (select 1 from table2 where <somekeyfield> = table1.<relatedkeyfield>) In VBA. Running this SQL will give you the records for which an active record exists.
  2. A

    Verifying Password in a form

    Well, this code works as expected. Basically I have a form with four fields. 1. username 2. old password (you can call it secretwoord if u like.) 3. new password 4. confirmation sorry, some text in de messages is in a foreign language. but u'll get the idea:cool: Private Sub B_Login_Click()...
  3. A

    Issue with DateDiff

    As u r using text fields for your dates u'll have to format these to be able to use datediff. something like this "#" & Format([txttime1], "mm-dd-yy") & "#"
  4. A

    report printing

    As you already have a table for your job numbers (not autonumber), use SQL in "ON LOAD" event of your report to get max(jobnumer)+1 from the table and insert this new number into the table for the next user.
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