Recent content by andreas_udby

  1. andreas_udby

    Change tracking: comparing two tables for differences

    Holy thread necromancy, Batman! Honestly, it's been ten years since I posted that question, and a lot of databases have come and gone. I'm not sure I have that particular file in my possession anymore; I changed jobs twice since then. However, I'll look through a bunch of old stuff I have...
  2. andreas_udby

    Bob Larson 30,000 Posts

    Huzzah! Three cheers for Bob Larson!
  3. andreas_udby

    Passing data from one form to another

    Oh, really? Shoot. That's good to know! I suppose that would apply to the Change() event as well? I had indeed tried to requery the subform, first by including it in the modal forms's command button's Click() routine and then by giving the main form the same line in a GotFocus event, but...
  4. andreas_udby

    Passing data from one form to another

    Okay, I know this is fairly simple, but I'm suffering from a case of "coder's block" in how to make this work. I have a parent form, frmPatient, with a subform on it, called frmSubVendor. The main form gathers information about a patient and the subform shows the contact info for the vendor...
  5. andreas_udby

    Limit combo box to unique values

    If you're just using the Branch field as the rowsource, you can change the SQL statement from SELECT to SELECT DISTINCT, which would then pull one of each different value from the Branch field and use those to populate your combo box.
  6. andreas_udby

    Outlook -- automated bulk appointments?

    Good morning, all! I'm trying to figure out some way of reducing the administrative workload on our secretary. Here is the scenario: A manager hires or receives a new employee. They are required to meet with the employee on the 60-day, 120-day, 6-month, 8-month, and 10-month anniversaries of...
  7. andreas_udby

    Cross-tab query parameters: asking, and asking, and asking, and asking...

    @ jzwp22: That's a good thought; I may have to try that. @ vbaInet: I went back and checked, and those parameters are only in the cross-tab query. It was a good thought, though. @ boblarson: Okay... I think I'm following you. Let me give that a shot and we'll see how it goes. Thanks for...
  8. andreas_udby

    Cross-tab query parameters: asking, and asking, and asking, and asking...

    I have a report that is being populated by data in a cross-tab query. Because I need to have the user specify the date range for the report, I have a criterion in the query that reads "Between [Enter Start Date] And [Enter End Date]". This has worked fine in all my other queries and reports...
  9. andreas_udby

    Lookup Question

    LOOKUP is a legacy function that has only been kept for reasons of compatibility. Like pbaldy said, you want to use a VLOOKUP.
  10. andreas_udby

    Calculating neg and pos in same formula

    I guess I'm not fully understanding the situation, but it seems like =A1-(sum(A2:A7)) ...should accomplish what you're trying to do, in both cases. Then you can add conditional formatting to A8 if you like to make it pop out in red-bold text if the inventory goes negative.
  11. andreas_udby

    Putting a text field in the margin...

    Okay, I figured out a way to do this. I went into my header/footer mode and checked the "Different Odd and Even Pages" option. I then created a rectangular AutoShape inside the header. I placed a QuickPart field (the StyleRef part, tied to "Heading 1") inside the AutoShape and rotated the...
  12. andreas_udby

    Finding max value from one column, from cells determined by value in another column

    Actually, I found a way to do it on another site. I realized that what I was looking for was a MAXIF() type of thing, so I started Googling around for that. Here's the successful candidate: {=MAX(IF(A2:A12="Clare",B2:B12))} I honestly don't understand how it works, but somehow it does. You...
  13. andreas_udby

    Finding max value from one column, from cells determined by value in another column

    I could have sworn there was a way to do this built into Excel, but I'm not finding anything that works so far. I'm going to resort to example names to make the state of things clearer. In essence, I have two columns: Child and Grade. Child has five potential values: Annie, Bobby, Clare...
  14. andreas_udby

    Putting a text field in the margin...

    'Fraid not. Darn. I was hoping there was something akin to a header/footer I could drop a text field from the Quick Parts menu into.
  15. andreas_udby

    Putting a text field in the margin...

    Odd question, but I'll see if I can describe it effectively. I'm creating a booklet version of a union contract, and one of the features that would help us all greatly would be if I could put the article title along the outside margin of the booklet, with the text alignment being such that, if...
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