Recent content by arnelgp

  1. arnelgp

    Solved Why Some Calculated Fields Will Not Work In A Query?

    there are a lot if you google search it. don't look for old version prior to A2007.
  2. arnelgp

    Solved Why Some Calculated Fields Will Not Work In A Query?

    tyry reading some MS Access books, it will help you a lot.
  3. arnelgp

    DateAdd with DMax +1, not updating table data

    see this demo. open frmEyeExams form. see the code on the MouseMove event of the subform. see the code of the button.
  4. arnelgp

    DateAdd with DMax +1, not updating table data

    i dont think your current code will work. first of all once you clicked the button that will generate the "timeslot", the subform will loose it's focus, therefore all selection is erased. you need to add code to the subForm's MouseMove event to capture those records (you must have PK...
  5. arnelgp

    Solved Exporting Image Files from Table - Having File Naming Issues

    you also try this: Public Sub ExtractAllAttachments(ByVal TableName As String, ByVal AttachmentColumnName As String, ByVal ToDirectory) Const cNEW_FILE_FIELD As String = "[UnitCard]" Dim rsMainRecords As DAO.Recordset2 Dim rsAttachments As DAO.Recordset2 Dim outputFileName As String Dim...
  6. arnelgp

    Loop though a report

    on your Report, you can also do it using Conditional Formatting. on design view of your report, click on the WifeLastName textbox. Add conditional formatting (Ribbon->Format->Conditional Formatting). Rule: Field Value is Equal [HusbandLastName] set the Forecolor to White (or NoColor). (note...
  7. arnelgp

    Subtraction Error.

    Calculate the Diff on your query and use the Diff column on your Form: modify your query: SELECT Nz(Stop_Current,0)-Nz(Current_Price,0) AS Diff, * FROM (SELECT Investments01_tbl.Stock_Name, Investments01_tbl.Symbol_Stock, Investments01_tbl.Investmentl_ID, Investments01_tbl.Stop_Current...
  8. arnelgp

    hello dear hope you are good I want to add the total bill amount in the header. How can I do it?

    =[Form]![CreditInvoices_Subform]![Text25] and also on Property->Format->Format: Standard to show the commas.
  9. arnelgp

    Solved It needs a bracket

    I suggest to remove them, since your query will work without them. I think you just copy what the SQL designer suggested. Public Function getCommonName(sGenus As String, sSpecies As String) As String Dim sQry As String sQry = "SELECT A.Common " & _ "FROM Common_Names as A " &...
  10. arnelgp

    hello dear hope you are good I want to add the total bill amount in the header. How can I do it?

    Control Source: =[Form]![Invoice_Subform]![txtTotalBillAmount]
  11. arnelgp

    Solved Display Less Decimal Point Accuracy To What Is Stored In Calculated Field Of Query

    add the formatting, but not as Expression. add the format to the query designer.
  12. arnelgp

    Solved Union Query Average Grouped

    not tested: SELECT YearMonth, Avg(PaidTime) AS AveragePaidTime, Avg(SpreadTime) AS AverageSpreadTime, Avg(BreakTime) AS AverageBreakTime, Avg(tblDuties.Overtime) AS AverageOvertime FROM ( SELECT Format([DutyDate],"yyyy mm") AS YearMonth, tblDuties.PaidTime...
  13. arnelgp

    Dlookup for previous record

    Your SD is String. You need to convert it to Date (CDate() function). Also your Format$() is wrong. Either it is in American date format or ISO date format. I already give you the query before, you just need to modify it.
  14. arnelgp

    How to quickly duplicate Tables & associated subforms within a main form

    do you only monitor the job's progress as a whole or do you still monitor what materials has been used/installed? does the quotation include the quotation price (job estimate) for the job?
  15. arnelgp

    Public function from next record

    see query 2 in design view. and see the query 3
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