Recent content by awa786

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    Warning on Logout

    Thanks moke123 for your kind help,
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    Warning on Logout

    Hi all, I want to write a code that will track that if any form or report is opened or not when user click on the logout button on the Main form (Switchboard) and want to display the message box like this "Please close all the windows before longing out" please help me .
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    IF is not working on unbound form.

    If Me.Tran_Amt = Val(Me.Voucher_Amt) Then this wroks........... Thanks ALC & all of you for your kind support on this issue. Thanks & Best Regards
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    IF is not working on unbound form.

    Private Sub Tran_Amt_AfterUpdate() MsgBox "voucher amount is =" & Me.Voucher_Amt MsgBox "transaction amount is =" & Me.Tran_Amt If Me.Tran_Amt = Me.Voucher_Amt Then 'Do nothing Else: MsgBox "You have entered less then Voucher amount." End If End Sub i have try to put a message box right...
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    IF is not working on unbound form.

    Private Sub Tran_Amt_AfterUpdate() If Me.Tran_Amt = 1000 Then Else MsgBox "You have entered less then Voucher amount." End If End Sub working and this Private Sub Tran_Amt_AfterUpdate() If 1000 = Me.Voucher_Amt Then 'Do nothing Else: MsgBox "You have entered less then Voucher...
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    IF is not working on unbound form.

    Dear alc, So you have tried this and it also produces the problem? Code: Private Sub Tran_Amt_AfterUpdate() If 1000 = 1000 Then 'Do nothing Else: MsgBox "You have entered less then Voucher amount." Tran_Amount = Null End If End Sub If not then the logic IS correct and one or more...
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    IF is not working on unbound form.

    i have tried this but can't solved if condition is true or false results are the same.. MsgBox "You have entered less then Voucher amount." this will popup in both cases.
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    IF is not working on unbound form.

    dear ALC i have tried all these combination but the logic is correct. but i am unable to find the solution. please help me
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    IF is not working on unbound form.

    Textbox names are correct. and i remove the colon but condition is not working for example, Trans amt= 1000 voucher amt=1000 if trans_amt=voucher_amt then do nothing else msgbox"not equal" end if problem is when condition is true but if condition is giving wrong results on: when both amounts...
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    IF is not working on unbound form.

    Hi all, help needed! I am facing a problem that if is not working is not working on unbound form. code and sample file is attached. when transaction amt is equal to voucher amt then do nothing else msgbox but not working. Regards. Private Sub Tran_Amt_AfterUpdate() If Me.Tran_Amt =...
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    Backup issue (Export only few tables to a new file)

    WORKS Thanks.
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    Backup issue (Export only few tables to a new file)

    Hi, I am going to make a backup function to export some tables from my access database to another ms access file, i have searched google before and found this code to export all the table except systems tables containing "Msys" code is: Public Function fExportAllDBObjects() On Error Resume Next...
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    syntax error in string in expression run-time error '3077':

    rst.FindLast "User_Name = '" & txtUser & "'" I was making wrong reference in my code to the field, Login_History_ID instead of User_Name. now its working. i am very thankfull to Both pbaldy & sneuberg for helping me. regards. solved
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    syntax error in string in expression run-time error '3077':

    Login_History_ID is auto number ,but the txtUser is string value i.e "username" like "admin" on the form and in tbl_Login_History ref as "User_Name", if user name is numeric value like "123","786" then rst.FindLast "Login_History_ID = " & txtUser this code works fine but in my case where...
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    syntax error in string in expression run-time error '3077':

    can you explain please i am not advanced user of ms access.kindly suggest how to fix it. thanks
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