Recent content by BlueFllame

  1. B

    Solved Is there a way to automate the manual replacement of multiple linked files?

    Hey MajP, Thank you so much! I was able to use your code as a base to modify it for my needs and everything works! My only question is that for some reason my database gets bloated after every loop and after loop18 it crashes because it reaches the 2GB limit. I have split my database and I...
  2. B

    Solved Is there a way to automate the manual replacement of multiple linked files?

    Hi MajP, Thanks so much. I've been drowning in other work so I haven't had the chance to apply this. I have to redesign our database anyway since it has many outdated queries and your code has given me a lot of ideas. I'll report back when I'm done.
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    Solved Is there a way to automate the manual replacement of multiple linked files?

    Oh sorry it looks like my wording confused everyone so let me try again. The database takes the information from 3 linked source files and manipulates it to create the final report. These files I manually grab from 3 different folders, because they are generated by another team, and then I put...
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    Solved Is there a way to automate the manual replacement of multiple linked files?

    Hi Pat. Sorry if I wasn't clear, but the issue is that the database runs once to produce one report/worksheet and then I have update the linked text files and run it again etc. until all 22 reports are done. I just did that today and it took me about 6 hours.
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    Solved Is there a way to automate the manual replacement of multiple linked files?

    Hey guys, I've built a DB process for our team which automates manual monthly reporting. The problem is that it uses 3 linked text files which live in our network drive, and each of them has to be replaced for every separate worksheet. The report in total generates 22 worksheets so after each...
  6. B

    Solved VBA code which exports data from Access to Excel and then loops through the Excel file

    Hey guys, I have a couple of VBA loops that work in the blink of eye when I execute them through Excel, but doing this as part of an Access VBA application takes like 15 minutes. The loops run through each row and check to see if multiple conditions are met, and if they are they change the...
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