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  • Hi,I found this http://www.access-programmers.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=143435 while searching because I have had this same problem for weeks now and have to figure it out because it is giving problems in reports.

    I have a main table which looks (up) into two related tables by using the lookup feature in Access. The problem-when I print from the main table, it shows only the ID in the main table and does not automatically resolve the IDs (look them up) in the two related tables. The ID won't have any meaning to the user, I need to display the Description that the ID is pointing to in the related table to the user.

    I have tried using all sorts of joins,but it doesn't work. I came across this thread which describes some of what I was doing but you all got it to work.

    What kind of join did you do when you said "I did what you said about adding the lookup table 3 times to the query, and then adding then did my joins between the fields, and the lookup table for each one"
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