Recent content by Chaga

  1. C

    Using an array in where clause

    I've tried the following since my array is comma separated, and it didn't work. Where InStr("," & [Forms]![Contacts]![txtValues] & ",","," & "ID" & ",")>0
  2. C

    Using an array in where clause

    No, the article mentions how the textbox values will be interpreted as a string and not as numbers (because as I said, when I manually enter the numbers instead of referencing the textbox, it works fine), so I need to figure out how to have the query read the array values as numbers and not as a...
  3. C

    Using an array in where clause

    From the article I could deduct the following being my issue and expecting the user to simply enter 1,3,5 when prompted. Unfortunately, this seemingly straightforward approach will not work because Access will interpret the entire input as a String or Text. So, entering 1,3,5 does not mean 1 or...
  4. C

    Using an array in where clause

    I don't wanna go into that much honestly. I am using a function that will export a query to excel, and I just need to filter the result as per the active form. No further use for it. The query record source is different from the form's, that's why I don't want to straight export the form's result.
  5. C

    Using an array in where clause

  6. C

    Using an array in where clause

    Hello everyone, I need to run a query that is filtered by an array, but is not returning the desired result. I have a textbox "txtValues" on a form, that has the array values let's say 1,4,5,6 I need to fire up the query where the ID is within those value, so ran the SQl statement adding "where...
  7. C

    Build the 'where' sql statement following search form selection

    Are filters not recommended even for a temporary search? As for the naming convention, I am aware of that, but I started this DB by using the access contacts template, and it was supposed to be a very simple small thing, but the person who requested it, kept asking for new stuff to be added, and...
  8. C

    Build the 'where' sql statement following search form selection

    YES YES YES! Thank a million mate! Forms![Contact List].Filter = "ID In (" & SelectedID & ")" That was the line I needed.
  9. C

    Build the 'where' sql statement following search form selection

    My form "Contact List" opens up on db launch and has all contacts in continuous form. I will add a button that will open the search form (we worked on), and after doing the search, take the result from the listbox, and use it as filter for "contact list" to display the same records as per the...
  10. C

    Build the 'where' sql statement following search form selection

    This is working perfectly as long as items are selected. but... is it possible to have the filter based on the current list result regardless of selected values? That listbox is not intended to be clicked, just display the search result, and I want to use that same result as a filter for the...
  11. C

    Build the 'where' sql statement following search form selection

    I made the list to allow multiple selection, and when selecting more than one record, it is returning only one. (The last one to be specific)
  12. C

    Build the 'where' sql statement following search form selection

    Still not filtering. Am guessing because no selection is being made.
  13. C

    Build the 'where' sql statement following search form selection

    I posted the db in another reply above
  14. C

    Build the 'where' sql statement following search form selection

    I have attached the db with some sample data. Contact list will autoload, just manually open frmSearch, and give it a try to see.
  15. C

    Build the 'where' sql statement following search form selection

    Still not working, should I change the list box to multiple select?
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