Recent content by ChrisO

  1. ChrisO

    Site Issues ??!!

    I don’t know about ‘reached out’ to Bigpond but I did contact them about a year ago and they said it was not their problem. I then changed it so my email notifications went from this site to Gmail to Bigpond and that worked fine. I recall I mentioned this to Jon and he said that his provider...
  2. ChrisO

    Public array from recordset

    Hi Ken. If I think back over the years, I don’t think I have ever used an array in Access. If there is some efficiency (speed?) to be gained from using an array then the only way I know to find out is to write it both ways and time it. I don’t think there is any easy way. Chris.
  3. ChrisO

    Public array from recordset

    Option Compare Database Option Explicit Public X As Variant Sub test() Dim Y As Long With CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Table1", 2) .MoveLast .MoveFirst X = .GetRows(.RecordCount) End With For Y = LBound(X, 2) To UBound(X, 2) MsgBox X(0, Y) &...
  4. ChrisO

    use Me. with a string variable

    >>Would it work without?<< No, without the use of Me the Val function simply returns the value of the string variable strSource. The code as written is correct. Chris.
  5. ChrisO

    Access Not closing

    >>I will investigate some old databases. It would be nice to clarify the real cause.<< Absolutely the correct thing to do: And if you do find one you will be the first to do so. If you, or anyone else, would like to test it, the VBA DoCmd.Quit command can produce some strange results. If you...
  6. ChrisO

    Access Not closing

    Dave. It’s good that you finally got around to running some tests on this matter. What you erroneously believed to be correct has been around for many many years. In post #2 (dated 2005) Pat made the same claim but it has been claimed on the www for much longer than that. The version 2 tests...
  7. ChrisO

    Access Not closing

    Dave. >common cause< It can not be said to be a “common cause” because there has never been even a single case proved. What has been happening is that, over the years, the same old reasons have been given but never any reproducible proof. I think you will find that the problem can not be...
  8. ChrisO

    Site Issues ??!!

    Hi Jon. The fault I described in post #23 appears to have been fixed, thank you. Regards, Chris.
  9. ChrisO

    Site Issues ??!!

    I think it is an assumption on our part that Jon even knows about the problem. Has anybody tried to send Jon a message regarding this matter? The higher up the message comes from the more importance he may place on it. Chris.
  10. ChrisO

    Site Issues ??!!

    I have a different description of the fault. If I am not logged in and then log in, the screen does not reflect the new logged in status. For the screen to reflect the new logged in status I need to press F5 or reload the page (Firefox). The reverse also applies. If I am logged in and then...
  11. ChrisO

    Email notification

    A test for RainLover. Chris.
  12. ChrisO

    Recordsource Coding Help

    Is there such a thing as an IFF function? :confused: Chris.
  13. ChrisO

    Programmatically assign VBA code to MouseupEvent in access?

    19th. November 2005: Post #17 here:- The actual file was written on the 8th. July 2002 in Access 97 file format but attached is an Access2003 version (A2000 file format) The point being is that we don’t want to write...
  14. ChrisO

    Programmatically assign VBA code to MouseupEvent in access?

    I think there are far too many errors and assumptions in post #1 that we should be asking questions and not trying to answer the specific question asked in post #1. 1. Where is the query in post #1? I mean that a person wanting to create Forms and code on the fly should know the difference...
  15. ChrisO

    VBA Compiler Quirks

    RTrim(strX = strY) and Sin(intA) are not possible in the VBA editor, there would be a space between the procedure name and the first left parentheses. It would be:- RTrim (strX = strY) Sin (intA) ' We can also do it with the Left function. Left (strX = strY), 1 In the above...
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