ColinEssex's latest activity

  • ColinEssex
    ColinEssex replied to the thread A Proof.
    Your comments could apply to the UK or any other 'western' country (including Australia) that has an immigration issue. Col
  • ColinEssex
    ColinEssex replied to the thread Pay your bills.
    No. But Its nothing to do with Pat. So don't get out your pram. I just agree with Thales. Col
  • ColinEssex
    ColinEssex replied to the thread Pay your bills.
    It doesn't surprise me that it's allegedly incorrect. Col
  • ColinEssex
    ColinEssex replied to the thread Coming to a Country Near You.
    So does that mean that all the people in Washington on Jan 6th were arrested? Col
  • ColinEssex
    ColinEssex replied to the thread Coming to a Country Near You.
    I actually don't. Nor do I know who 'john' is referring to - maybe some politician? As far as I can see, this thread is yet another...
  • ColinEssex
    ColinEssex replied to the thread Coming to a Country Near You.
    So what's the problem? Also, who are 'they'? If I'm tracked it must be really exciting for the watcher to see me go to Sainsburys to get...
  • ColinEssex
    ColinEssex replied to the thread Pay your bills.
    I don't understand what you mean. Free fights? To where? What's 'the johns'? I understand you call prostitutes 'hookers'. Col
  • ColinEssex
    ColinEssex replied to the thread £300 Parking Ticket.
    There doesn't seem to be much parking restrictions in America anyway. In films or TV programmes you can drive up and park right outside...
  • ColinEssex
    ColinEssex replied to the thread £300 Parking Ticket.
    In the UK, motorcycle parking is usually free. Also in most cities motorbikes can use bus lanes. Col
  • ColinEssex
    Only the parents can decide if they can afford to raise a child properly. It's a big responsibility not to be taken lightly in a fit of...
  • ColinEssex
    Mothers these days are too quick to fob off their children to any Tom, Dick or Harry to look after whilst they go to work because they...
  • ColinEssex
    ColinEssex replied to the thread Piano.
    In a conventional band you usually have drums, bass guitar, rhythm guitar and lead guitar. The rhythm guitar is the chord instrument and...
  • ColinEssex
    ColinEssex replied to the thread Highway Star.
    I agree, but I felt i was too old to do that and being at the root a drummer, I concentrated on the bass guitar. Then progressed to the...
  • ColinEssex
    ColinEssex replied to the thread Pay your bills.
    Given that 360 million people in the USA can't put up a decent honest sensible candidate for the presidency, I would say Trump is the...
  • ColinEssex
    ColinEssex replied to the thread Highway Star.
    I started learning drums in about 1961 when I first heard 'let there be drums' by Sandy Nelson. As I said elsewhere, I played in...
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