Recent content by CryLittleSister

  1. C

    Question HELP! All but forms and queries are gone?

    Hi I got a message from someone in another office to say that she could not generate a report, so she restarted the database and got the following error: The form name "Index" is misspelled or refers to a form that doesn't exist I can still use the database fine but when I opened a second...
  2. C

    Filtered lookup combo box?

    How do I express that?
  3. C

    Filtered lookup combo box?

    Thank you :D Actually, the directors have changed over the years and I'd like it to only show Directors who are still active as options (which it now does, thanks!). However, when I do this it removes the names from old projects where the Directors are no longer around. Is there a way to keep...
  4. C

    Filtered lookup combo box?

    On my form, I have two combo boxes which are populated by a table of employees. One is for project director and the other for project manager. These are stored as ID numbers but displayed as full names in a dropdown list. I'm wondering, as we only have 4 directors, can I filter the list so that...
  5. C

    Using IF to dismiss negative numbers

    This is really fun to work out. Turns out I didn't need the If at all, just to get rid of the -0.5 and to change Int to Fix. Now it's far simpler and works perfectly
  6. C

    Using IF to dismiss negative numbers

    I took away the -0.5 and it works but now I don't understand why because I'd come up with the original formula a while go... But it works :D thanks for your help guys
  7. C

    Using IF to dismiss negative numbers

    The expression I'm using works out the number of hours quoted, rounded down to the nearest half hour (see above post). But the way I get this to work is by doubling, removing 0.5 and then halving. This works most of the time but if the remainder left when dividing is too small, it's dropping...
  8. C

    Using IF to dismiss negative numbers

    I DID IT :D nearly.. I've figured out how to use int to make 700/70=10. But I still have the problem of 710/70=9.5. I currently have this: IIf([PriceQuoted]/[HourlyRate]=Int[PriceQuoted]/[HourlyRate],[PriceQuoted]/[HourlyRate],Fix([PriceQuoted]/[HourlyRate]*2-0.5)/2) any ideas?
  9. C

    Using IF to dismiss negative numbers

    I'm thinking something along the lines of (I know isn't how to express so I'm hoping someone can understand me and translate): PQ=Price Quoted HR=Hourly Rate If [PQ] is divisible by [HR] then [PQ]/[HR]. If [PQ] is not divisible by [HR] then Fix([PriceQuoted]/[HourlyRate]*2-0.5)/2 But then...
  10. C

    Using IF to dismiss negative numbers

    Not very, I'm still pretty new to all this. See, it's slightly more complicated than that. I notice that £710/70 would still give me 9.5 instead of 10 due to how I've formed the first calculation. I'm not sure if there's a simpler way to have done that in the first place rather than trying to...
  11. C

    Using IF to dismiss negative numbers

    Brilliant, thank you! I used Fix to fix the first problem. Do you know how I could fix the issue of it rounding down when I don't want it to (when the price is already divisible by the hourly rate)?
  12. C

    Using IF to dismiss negative numbers

    Actually, there's a problem with the calculation I have. What I'm trying to do is divide the price by the hourly rate and then round down to the nearest half an hour. Unfortunately the expression I'm using is rounding down when i don't want it to, so if I quote £700 at an hourly rate of £70...
  13. C

    Using IF to dismiss negative numbers

    Hi I have the following expression I use to round down when breaking down Fee Proposals: Int([PriceQuoted]/[HourlyRate]*2-0.5)/2 This works perfectly, except if I do not enter a price I get a figure of -0.5, obv. Could I use the If function to have it give me zero if I leave the price blank?
  14. C

    Upgrading MS Office

    Nah, it's shockingly expensive. I think they quoted me around £3-400 a go
  15. C

    Upgrading MS Office

    Sorry, I should clarify. I currently have no MS Office at work. I'm looking for the cheapest way to get 20 copies and wondering how much I could save by going for an older version.
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