Davebert's latest activity

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    Davebert replied to the thread Hello out there!.
    I always install 2 CD/DVD burners in my new PC builds. One eventually usually quits burning but still reads . But I do have and external...
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    Davebert replied to the thread Hello out there!.
    Too bad I didn't cancel it before it shipped as I now have downloaded and installed ACCESS on 3 PC's with downloadable software, and the...
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    Davebert replied to the thread Help with simple design.
    Yeah, I think I am still learning so I am likely not 100% sure of what I am doing. I am taking all the help into my brain and then...
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    Davebert reacted to MajP's post in the thread Help with simple design with Like Like.
    To import your other tables into a single database.
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    Davebert reacted to Pat Hartman's post in the thread Help with simple design with Like Like.
    When you click on Blank Database, you get a typical file dialog asking you for a name and path. It is up to YOU to tell Access what the...
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    Davebert replied to the thread Help with simple design.
    I thought that might be the case. I had to hunt down the default location and it was in Documents. Thanks
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    Davebert reacted to pbaldy's post in the thread Hello out there! with Like Like.
    Welcome aboard! I kind of wish I was in FL right now. Too cold for golf around here.
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    Davebert reacted to theDBguy's post in the thread Hello out there! with Like Like.
    Hi. Welcome to AWF!
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    Davebert reacted to pbaldy's post in the thread Hello out there! with Like Like.
    FYI I moved the quoted post and another to your other thread.
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    Davebert reacted to pbaldy's post in the thread Hello out there! with Like Like.
    Bob, this is an intro thread. Tech discussion at: https://www.access-programmers.co.uk/forums/threads/help-with-simple-design.333225/
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    Davebert reacted to bob fitz's post in the thread Hello out there! with Like Like.
    Davebert Can you post a copy of what you have so far and perhaps tell us something about the database you want to create.
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    Davebert replied to the thread Hello out there!.
    No problem. I joined here after ordering an older 2010 version of Office Professional and it still hasn't arrived yet. Then I got a link...
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    Davebert replied to the thread Help with simple design.
    When I made my first database in my new fresh install of Access it named it Database1. When I made the other 3 DB tables I was able to...
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    Davebert reacted to June7's post in the thread Help with simple design with Like Like.
    SELECT DISTINCT Type INTO tblTypes FROM tblFilaments; SELECT DISTINCT Color, TD, HEX INTO tblColors FROM tblFilaments; SELECT DISTINCT...
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    Davebert reacted to Mark_'s post in the thread Help with simple design with Like Like.
    When I need to import from a spreadsheet I LINK the spreadsheet FIRST, then do a query to verify the data makes sense. I'd rather make...
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