Recent content by DavRob

  1. D

    Backup Tables

    Hi Gasman Thanks for the reply The file I down loaded was straight from the web page, I had corrected the " in my module Thankyou again all is working now DavRob
  2. D

    Backup Tables

    Hi Gasman Thanks for the reply I have 8 tables I have set breakpoints as suggested it breaks at "tdf.RefreshLink and now get Run-time error '3024' could not find file "C:\Users\Dave\Documents\Access_Projectb" The code is adding the letter "b" at the end of the folder name...
  3. D

    Backup Tables

    Thankyou for all the replies OK I got it What I was trying to do is not the way to go I have now split the DB as suggested and setup Linked Table Manager I used the code that I found at
  4. D

    Backup Tables

    My objective is to create a backup and restore of all the tables in my DB, I have viewed many ways of doing this, most of the threads in the forums relate to exporting from Access into an Excel workbook, I would like to: Backup - Export the Tables into a specific folder as separate workbooks...
  5. D

    Requery 2nd subform on unbound main form

    Thank you for the reply Pat. I'll give it a try DavRob
  6. D

    Copy Primary Key from subform to subform

    you are correct I forgot to requery sorry
  7. D

    Copy Primary Key from subform to subform

    I have a main form "frmContactsNew" which has 2 subforms "frmCustomersSub" and "frmContactsNewSub" "frmContactsNewCustSub" is the results of a search using the search as you type method "frmContactsNewSub" has a record source of tblContacts The objective is to search for a customer then add...
  8. D

    Requery 2nd subform on unbound main form

    Thanks Pat Always handy to have alternate methods DavRob
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    Requery 2nd subform on unbound main form

    arnelgp Thanks for the feedback, I thought that there was a valid reason DavRob
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    Requery 2nd subform on unbound main form

    arnelgp Thank you for the example it is exactly what I am trying to achieve. Could you please explain why the txtCriteria box is required, I have seen the dummy text box in other examples of search as you type but it seems to work ok without it. XPS35 Thank you for your reply DavRob
  11. D

    Requery 2nd subform on unbound main form

    My scenario is to create a form where I can search for a customer then edit their associated Contacts I have a main form that has an unbound text box "txtSearch" that searches the Customers Table, using the search as you type method, the results are populated in subform -1...
  12. D

    SubForm control

    Hi Thankyou for the replies Apologies for the late reply I still can't get this to work. I am trying to use a subForm to search records using the search as you type method, regardless of the approach it brings up the "Enter Parameter Value" dialogue box. I have added a sample DB
  13. D

    SubForm control

    arnelgp Thanks for the reply, but still get the same outcome. Gasman Thanks also for the reply, I had forgotten about using them, I'll use them in future
  14. D

    SubForm control

    I have a form which uses a combo box to populate fields in a sub form which works as it should, the issue that I have is that I wish to use this form as a sub form. The combo box "txtSearch" is in the Header of form "SearchCustFrm" this has the control source "SearchCustQry" column "CustName"...
  15. D

    Merge 2 tables without duplicates

    Thank you for the prompt replies Jdraw One of the companies that I contract to uses a web portal to administer our up-coming jobs, invoices, payments etc, in regards to invoicing they use the Recipient Created Tax Invoice (R.C.T.I.) method which common here in Australia Ie they create our...
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